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View Full Version : What are you doing for Xmas?

23-12-2008, 11:59
What are everyone plans for the xmas period, where will you be and with whom?

I'm working til 6 tomorrow then am off to the parents for a couple of days. They live where I grew up and went to school so I will be meeting up with some old friends and heading to the pub no doubt!

What about you?

23-12-2008, 12:30
Well got the family around at the mo from down south, going to be going out xmas eve with my cousin and mates..Xmas day is the usual :) and the same again for new years lol

23-12-2008, 15:11
i'm going to hide under a rock until the whole thing blows over. :)

23-12-2008, 15:37
Since getting old everyone has gone to uni and stuff, but everyone comes back for christmas :yeah: so we're going out for a session in Dunstable tonight, probably boxing day too.
My mum and dad have skanked me and gone to Ireland for christmas and new year so I'll be getting my dinner at my sister's and at my girlfriends on thursday :D greedy pig.
And then I'll enjoy my seccond week off, and maybe get my bike out if its dry :)

I hope everyone has a good christmas :cool2::beer::chuckup:

23-12-2008, 15:58
im going to be sat at lulworth castle by myself just to get away from all the christmas crap !

Hope everybody enjoys their christmas tho

23-12-2008, 16:05
Im going to get very drunk xmas eve so I dont remember much of xmas day, just must remember to turn phone on silent else lots of damn txt messages in the morning :mad:

23-12-2008, 16:22
Trying not to kill the manic children and not stave to death :mad:
Every time I go to the fridge or the cupboard I get the same response ....
'Leave that alone !!! It's for Christmas/Boxing day !!!! ':wasntme::laugh:

23-12-2008, 16:26
we're just waiting for the Baby coming, due on the 25th but as its the first they are usualy late... Everythings on hold really pending her arrival!! :coffee:

Adam L
23-12-2008, 16:41
Didn't know about that, awsome:).

Sam M
23-12-2008, 19:27
we're just waiting for the Baby coming, due on the 25th but as its the first they are usualy late... Everythings on hold really pending her arrival!! :coffee:

Thats great news, but I feel sorry for the baby if it is born on the 25th, less presents when the kid gets older :laugh:

24-12-2008, 00:28
Im going to be good this year & stop in christmas eve, last year my hangover was that bad on christmas day i couldn't even eat me dinner:laugh:.

24-12-2008, 01:48
i dont do xmas its just another day for me dont do pressies or nothing :wasntme:

24-12-2008, 02:32
Im gonna chill with my family then go out on boxing day all day with my mates to watch the sport and have a laugh then stoping in a hotel.

24-12-2008, 03:27
at sisters for dinner then at mates house for more dinner and then im gonna unwrap his presents for him lol, i dont celebrate xmas

24-12-2008, 08:01
At the in-laws! Will be there for a week! but will be spending boxing day with my mum :D i'm looking forward to it this year as I don't have to work over christmas!

Penfold aka The Dealer
24-12-2008, 08:16
I will be waking up in my new house on Christmas day with Charlotte, then heading off to my parents in the morning having a early dinnner, then off to Charlotte's parents for the evening and have a late dinner...

2 lots of Christmas dinner's.... can my stomache handle it?? lol.

Boxing day my Daughter is coming down so no doubt will have another Christmas dinner then :D:agree:

V Man
24-12-2008, 08:23
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

I'm out boozin' from 2pm down the bright lights of ol Durham Town.
I'm 31 and still don't know any better:)

Good luck to Ashy family;)

Chris Hebden
24-12-2008, 08:27
Going to spend it with my mummy and sister, in my mums new place. Christmas day normally involves drink (lots), games and loads of arguments!!!

This year holds the new addition of my mums FRENCH :eek::cry: boyfriend, so lots of ribbing will be taking place also! Hope everyone has a great one!

24-12-2008, 09:12
pub! hammered! pub! hammered! pub! hammered! pub! hammered! all in that order:agree: lol!

24-12-2008, 09:20
Pigging out & getting p1ssed hopefully :)

Merry Xmas all :beer:

24-12-2008, 12:53
Pigging out & getting p1ssed hopefully :)

Merry Xmas all :beer:


im just glad i dont have to go feckin shopping again :cry: its a nightmare !!!

spent a fortune on food ,beer and wine so im going to sit in for 2 weeks and put a few pounds on :)

Merry Xmas RTOC massive!!!

24-12-2008, 14:13
just enjoying the holiday with family :)

happy christmas all an heres to er...

good health i think ! :)

have fun.

24-12-2008, 16:54
not doing the family thing as there all swines

going to my bosses house as he a class guy and invited me and my burd up for a massssssssive dinner

apart from that im doing nothing and wishing i had my car back


24-12-2008, 21:01
Mum is arriving at Sydney Airport from London tomorrow morning at 0730 (Boxing Day in Oz) and it will be the first time i've seen her in the flesh since Jan this year:D. Best of all she's bringing over some brake discs for the GTT. Woo hoo!!

It's almost 0800 on Crimbo morning so, Merry Christmas to you all and a healthy New Year. I think the club will be heading into 2009 in a better position than it entered 2008, largely down to the efforts of all who are and have been on the Committee over the last year.

My only regret with the club is that I couldn't meet you guys at National Day/Ring trips.:cry:

24-12-2008, 22:50
im geting all the prezzies sorted for the kids the now. cant wait to see there wee faces in the morning:ashamed:
merry crimbo rtoc:santa:

Adam L
25-12-2008, 00:37
Merry crimbo to Sparkie, the only person who text me this morning, as regular as every other year so far:D

I'm happy, smell good, and am dressed moderatley... I'd lay me...

28-12-2008, 17:20
Ashy, how is your lady coming along with the baby? I'm assuming there are no new arrivals yet :)

Chris Hebden
28-12-2008, 17:26
Well has anyone else forgotten christmas day :rolleyes:? Got a bit worse for wear but enjoyed my self!

Adam L
28-12-2008, 17:47
I woke up with a minging hangover on Boxing day, met Marky Mark, got a KFC, bummed around since really and i've still got another week off. Attempted to sort out the motor yesterday, and I can't figure out what's wrong with it...