View Full Version : Megane 225/F1/230 Aftermarket Intercoolers

04-03-2013, 21:01
Hi folks,

I am ordering 10 aftermarket intercoolers that are larger than standard for the Megane 225/F1/230.

I have trialed and fitted one to my car with positive results.

This will fit on the OEM plastic tabs/mounts , and all I had to to was trim the right hand side plastic insert that fits around the standard intercooler.

Below are some pictures of the unit compared to standard.

http://s02.imageupper.com/1_t/2/Z13624304081042295_1.jpg (http://imageupper.com/i/?S0200010020011Z13624304081042295) http://s02.imageupper.com/1_t/2/Z13624304081042295_2.jpg (http://imageupper.com/i/?S0200010020021Z13624304081042295) http://s02.imageupper.com/1_t/2/Z13624304081042295_3.jpg (http://imageupper.com/i/?S0200010020031Z13624304081042295) http://s02.imageupper.com/1_t/2/Z13624304081042295_4.jpg (http://imageupper.com/i/?S0200010020041Z13624304081042295) http://s02.imageupper.com/1_t/2/Z13624304081042295_5.jpg (http://imageupper.com/i/?S0200010020051Z13624304081042295) http://s02.imageupper.com/1_t/2/Z13624304081042295_6.jpg (http://imageupper.com/i/?S0200010020061Z13624304081042295) http://s02.imageupper.com/1_t/2/Z13624304081042295_7.jpg (http://imageupper.com/i/?S0200010020071Z13624304081042295) http://s02.imageupper.com/1_t/2/Z13624304081042295_8.jpg (http://imageupper.com/i/?S0200010020081Z13624304081042295)

The road mat in Pic1 isnt included. My son would go bananas at me.

Price is £220 per unit - delivered. I will require a 10% deposit to secure one, as its a lot of wedge to front.

04-03-2013, 21:08
I've seen this somewhere before LOL

04-03-2013, 21:14

They are the same as the French ones listed on ebay @ £265

Link (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181018717376?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649)

04-03-2013, 21:41
Can you copy and paste your name ( username on here please ) with the relevant number

1. Briggsy
2. Jesus in the seat of a five.
3. Spicer ( meganesport )

25-04-2013, 07:11
Out of interest would this fit behind a Clio bumper easily? And if so are this still available ?

25-04-2013, 12:22
No idea , and unfortunatly no.

I do have a second hand standard cooler for sale - but as I posted on the other thread. I am not sure how good they are.