View Full Version : Am I the only one that thinks Xmas sucks pole?

dangerous dave
28-11-2012, 19:15
I hate presents, I'm 99% sure I won't want it and my face will say it all.. I get junk with a total value of 10% of what I spent.. If I want something I go straight out and buy it, so come Xmas I have it all..

Even when you ask for something and show exactly what it is, you get a cheaper version.. Send it back:sad2: it's a month away and already causing problems so i have removed myself from the Xmas present affair, it's gone down really really well with the misses.. :scared:

28-11-2012, 19:19
I agree with you there. My Mrs just asked what I wanted- I said some stuff for the car. She frowned and said no.

Why ask if you don't get me what I want?

Glad it's not just me that thinks Xmas is over rated.

And why are they playing Xmas songs already? It's November FFS

28-11-2012, 19:41
I love xmas, and yes it does start way too early. But I don't.

I hate the pressy thing also, I would love just to get up on xmas day and have a proper relaxing day with my Ang and Frazzle, may even take ol Fluffy out, the roads will be quiet!

But the best bit is the getting round everyones, or everyone piling round mine and having time to have a few beers and stuff yourself silly.

We don't have kids, but it's great to have the nephews and niece round for sure, the xbox gets an outing also. Never have time for all that most of the rest of the year, so xmas is a great excuse.

You can make xmas whatever you want to.

28-11-2012, 20:01
I just get tattoo vouches they can't f3ck it up.. I dispise Xmas and all the gift buying.. But time off work and everyone else feeds us so saves on cooking :) will be making big effort this year though as my little girls nearly two now an my old man was a misarable b2stard at Xmas lol I won't be that to my girl lol.. And hopefully I might get some rebuild time..

28-11-2012, 20:21
Christmas with 2 children is hectic. I love seeing there faces, I curse tho when I'm up till 2am wrapping presents and it's all undone within seconeds, doesn't even last a minute, I'm not a big lover of receiving gifts anymore, usually as the ones I receive aren't my thing.. Last year I got a light up drinks mat... Not even for a car, for my living room ... What goes through these people's mind :wasntme:

28-11-2012, 20:34
its just time off work for me....

Penfold aka The Dealer
28-11-2012, 20:44
its just time off work for me....

Just more time and triple money at work for me.... Although depressing when you find out the doctors are on £400 per hour over christmas...

michael tierney
28-11-2012, 20:47
xmas is for children and retailers

28-11-2012, 20:50
Humbug , You gotta love Crimbo.
Though a fat guy breaking into your house in the middle of the night and emptying his sack in your kids bedroom is kinda scary :scared:

28-11-2012, 21:14
There's some miserable b8stards on rtoc these days :laugh: ;)

28-11-2012, 21:17
Some would say that for the majority of this wicked generation, Christmas has lost all connection to its raison d'etre.

28-11-2012, 21:41
There's some miserable b8stards on rtoc these days :laugh: ;)

I agree .:laugh: I love it .Roll on crimbo.:agree:

28-11-2012, 22:20
xmas is for children and retailers

if i had kids i would not be planting that sheeple seed in there heads...

its about family and loved ones not spending money on more STUFF...

how much cr*p an sh*t do folk wna buy?...100's an 1000's of pounds in debt....

28-11-2012, 23:02
I love Xmas, although I admit I'm not in the slightest bit religious! My sons 2 1/2 now and it's his first Xmas that he actually knows about it and Father Christmas etc. We took him to the grotto yesterday and to see his little face was priceless :)

29-11-2012, 10:32
My take is that instead of buying presents for each other why doesn't everybody agree to buying themselves a present, that way you always get what you want ;)

I'm also a little bit of a grumpton at Christmas, my girls are almost 20 months old, so it will be good to see there reactions on Christmas morning:) I usually end up cooking Christmas lunch so it's kind of stressfull and not very relaxing with that and the kids...........Bah humbug! All I really wanna do is sit down get my dinner cooked for me and pretty much do f-all:wasntme: I would most probably enjoy it more if that were the case.

29-11-2012, 10:43
Daves just angry because he didn't want to wait a month for his turtle beach headset.

dangerous dave
29-11-2012, 12:34
Daves just angry because he didn't want to wait a month for his turtle beach headset.

:laugh: that's totally it, I want the bad ass wifi ones and she got corded ones... :disagree:

bod 182
01-12-2012, 17:54
Time off with the family ive just found out after 44 years due to being adopted at a few months that i have two brothers and a whole new family i never knew i had so i personnaly think xmas is quiet special:)

01-12-2012, 18:47
Time off with the family ive just found out after 44 years due to being adopted at a few months that i have two brothers and a whole new family i never knew i had so i personnaly think xmas is quiet special:)

awesome! looks like you have some catching up to do!

i personally cant stand christmas.. it is deffo for kids and for my kidneys and liver to get serious punishment!