View Full Version : never seen rocky or star wars

06-11-2012, 23:43
There's a bloke at work,think he's 43 and he has never seen a rocky film or any of the star wars,I'm 39 and still get the rocky box set out.Apart from the one we don't ever mention??.lol

06-11-2012, 23:50
I'm 38 and never seen a star wars film..! As far as Rocky, I think I seen the first 3 but only once each.

I'm not sure which is more sad, not seeing them or having endured/wasted the hours watching it all? Please debate..!

06-11-2012, 23:54
I'm 38 and never seen a star wars film..! As far as Rocky, I think I seen the first 3 but only once each.

I'm not sure which is more sad, not seeing them or having endured/wasted the hours watching it all? Please debate..!

I will let him no he's not the only freak on the planet.lol

Shane P
06-11-2012, 23:57
I'm 27, never seen a Star Wars film, saw the Rocky film where a truck was the first prize ? I think ? I dunno

I've seen every episode of Star Trek, Thomas the Tank Engine, Thundercats and Wheeler Dealers though, i don't watch much tv :(

07-11-2012, 00:00
I'm 27, never seen a Star Wars film, saw the Rocky film where a truck was the first prize ? I think ? I dunno

I've seen every episode of Star Trek, Thomas the Tank Engine, Thundercats and Wheeler Dealers though, i don't watch much tv :(

Shane you are so confused.lol.Over the top was the name of the film where he won a truck.I'm so sad.ha

07-11-2012, 00:05
I'm 27, never seen a Star Wars film, saw the Rocky film where a truck was the first prize ? I think ? I dunno

I've seen every episode of Star Trek, Thomas the Tank Engine, Thundercats and Wheeler Dealers though, i don't watch much tv :(

Thomas the tank, now your talking. I also have to see a lot of Peppa Pig these days as well..!

Shane P
07-11-2012, 00:07
You are having a laugh :cry: That measn that i haven't seen any of them either :(

The new Bill J
07-11-2012, 09:17
Thomas the tank, now your talking.

You can't beat the one where Henry gets stuck in the tunnel :D

07-11-2012, 10:17
Well i'm 30 and i've watched Star Wars 30 times :P, Played the MMO, now watching Star Wars Clone Wars, A N D heres the weird part, i'm a Star Trek fan too :P
Now watching for the 4rth time Star Trek The Next Generation but in Bluray edition hehe!

Beam me up Vader

07-11-2012, 10:19
Well i'm 30 and i've watched Star Wars 30 times :P, Played the MMO, now watching Star Wars Clone Wars, A N D heres the weird part, i'm a Star Trek fan too :P
Now watching for the 4rth time Star Trek The Next Generation but in Bluray edition hehe!

Beam me up Vader

Like wise but add in a full dr who collection of the classic era on VHS

GT Josh
07-11-2012, 12:06
I heard you got caught watching throbbing wood by your mrs and now you pretend to be with her but your not really.

09-11-2012, 19:52
Im 23. Whats star wars?:laugh:

10-11-2012, 11:03
I motion that any RTOC member who hasn't watched all the Rocky and Star Wars films by the end of November be ejected immediately.

It's a shocking state of affairs. :dearme:

10-11-2012, 11:14
The GF and I have a deal, I have to watch all the starwars films if she watches all the rocky films:D

10-11-2012, 12:11
I motion that any RTOC member who hasn't watched all the Rocky and Star Wars films by the end of November be ejected immediately.

It's a shocking state of affairs. :dearme:

Motion seconded! :eek:

10-11-2012, 14:36
I motion that any RTOC member who hasn't watched all the Rocky and Star Wars films by the end of November be ejected immediately.

It's a shocking state of affairs. :dearme:

Apart from rocky 5,don't do it!!!!

Penfold aka The Dealer
10-11-2012, 14:41
Never seen Star Wars, Star Trek... Don't intend to either :D

Renault 5 GT Turbo
10-11-2012, 15:58
Rocky films are classics! We used to stick them on (ten years ago) whilst warming up for a second night out of a weekend, really motivational ha!

Nowadays, I think of Rocky when I drag myself out in the dark and cold for a long run after work in the evening, no big fight at the end of it though...just a shower.

dangerous dave
10-11-2012, 18:13
You can't beat the one where Henry gets stuck in the tunnel :D

I remember that one.. How fcking sad are we...

Not sad at all, thomas is awesome:smokin:

10-11-2012, 19:11
My personal favorite is when James gets de-railed by his carriages:D

10-11-2012, 20:04
james is such a cocky prick

10-11-2012, 21:30
Apart from rocky 5,don't do it!!!!

Fair shout. Ok, replace Rocky with the original Predator film :D

10-11-2012, 21:31
Never seen Star Wars, Star Trek... Don't intend to either :D

Your committee position wont save you from the chop! :satan:

11-11-2012, 08:22
Never seen Star Wars, WHAT? I can not believe it, I still get excited now watching them with my little boy.

I made my partner watch the rockys in the first month we went out.

Good call on predator trev :) I watched the original total recall the other month, brilliant. Films like that around that time where great.

I can not understand people who don't like or watched shawshank :crap:

11-11-2012, 08:58
Ah crap, another sign that I'm an old fart. Films like Star Wars used to be a huge event that you looked forward to for months then queued for hours to see at a cinema with the biggest screen/sound system you could find, it just HAD to be done.

11-11-2012, 10:43
Ah crap, another sign that I'm an old fart. Films like Star Wars used to be a huge event that you looked forward to for months then queued for hours to see at a cinema with the biggest screen/sound system you could find, it just HAD to be done.

I remember going to the pictures to see rocky 4,never scene anything like it at the flicks since and probably never will,an absolutely packed odeon with everyone jumping up and down,shouting,screaming.:)

Slammed 66
13-11-2012, 17:53
james is such a cocky prick

I read this and laughed so hard, a little bit of wee nearly came out! :wasntme:

Duncan Grier
13-11-2012, 20:12
80's films were the baddest! Fact

For those on the original and 1st no bling at the ring may remember my froend byron (not a drinker its wprth mentioning) talked into lines from commando, rambo to name a few. Golden and forever one of the best nights ever !


Hate to admit thomas is my 2 year old (today) fave and does my sweed in lol

Star wars and rocky seen many many times :-)

Duncan Grier
13-11-2012, 20:14
Oh German local brew worked him good lol

13-11-2012, 20:31
There's a bloke at work,think he's 43 and he has never seen a rocky film or any of the star wars,I'm 39 and still get the rocky box set out.Apart from the one we don't ever mention??.lol

Sorry mate I have't seen either :eek:


13-11-2012, 20:49
Big trouble in little china and weird science are good 80's films.:agree:
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTeUM4veC4HdM0E7Zy57Ah-248DpVfG3ZcbxLa9SZfCavhQhzLdNQhttp://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTXgZUSkyMcmFK2j8nXCfLxTF36Q3P8f szKoz0Dj6nw5HoHPo1k3Q

13-11-2012, 21:09
I've never seen,

Matrix, lord of the rings, Con air , films!

The new Bill J
14-11-2012, 11:50
Short Circuit 2 :D

If you want a 'modern twist' on it, search Youtube for 'Short Circuit 2 - The comedy series' :laugh:

14-11-2012, 14:10
Johnnyy 5 aliveeeee! .

14-11-2012, 14:33
How many people not watched Red Dwarf though?

I have watched every episode more than a dozen times, apart from back to reality which I wish I didn't even see once :mad:

All films / series on here I have watched, maybe not the thomas the tank engine every episode though :laugh: only the good ones :cool:

14-11-2012, 14:51
Did Anyone use to watch bottom? That made me laugh so much.

16-11-2012, 20:43
Did Anyone use to watch bottom? That made me laugh so much.

Propper funny , Remamber the Young ones :laugh: "qiuck Viv eat the TV":laugh:

16-11-2012, 20:49
Did Anyone use to watch bottom? That made me laugh so much.

I went to see the Bottom live 2 tour. :D

got to love the sprouts of evil. :laugh:


16-11-2012, 22:16
New bottom series next year.

17-11-2012, 07:46
Young ones were brilliant , especially 'vivian' ? Ade edmonson character!.