View Full Version : can you remove the wastegate penny from the arm?

Kris M
02-10-2012, 12:14
as above im trying to machine out an exhaust housing but the w/g penny is in the way slightly. it spns freely but looks to be riveted to the arm almost?

02-10-2012, 12:24
What about grinding the weld off the top of thevarm and dropping it out matey

02-10-2012, 12:29
As brigsy says. Also there is most prob a sleeve tacked into the housing where the penny pivots, grind the weld off and this can slide out also.

02-10-2012, 12:40
As above, grind off the weld and the arm and sleeve will tap out, it is fiddly but wont take too long.
Before doing that i would check the penny seals 100% first.
I would put some touch up paint on the outer edge of the penny and close it to check its sealed.
The one on my t34 only sealed about 20%
A new 1 cost me £65
And made a world of difference to the car.