View Full Version : Fuel tank leak help?

30-09-2012, 00:45
Hi when the 5 was on the ramps last night to raise the torsion bar, my mate noticed the fuel tank was leaking.
The fuel is coming out from the left hand side near the top from a hole the size of a 10p coin, but it looks like it has been filled in the past.
Is this hole meant to be there? or should I try filling it with paste again or do you recommend fitting a new tank?
Cheers Caz

30-09-2012, 00:55
Just seen another post about the same topic and have had a look in the haynes manual, and its looking like the hole is not meant to be there so will probably just try the paste -
has anyone used such a thing in the past and does it work?

GT Josh
30-09-2012, 10:46
I would replace the tank mate. Safety of mind.

30-09-2012, 15:50
Im going for the Dropping it 4 inchs to reach the hole, solder the yellow to black to seal. then paste it..
My fuel is now just inder ¼ tank and its stopped leaking.. Going to drain or use fuel up until vert dry then drop the tank and seal then putty chemical metal stuff..
If that fails ill get a plastic plate welded to it..

30-09-2012, 18:03
I'd source another tank, I say this as if it's the same tank that's been in that car for the last 5-6 years it leaked quite badly back then when Rob owned it

30-09-2012, 23:35
Ok guys thanks for the advice. Ive got another tank on my old 5 so will check its condition out first before I do anything. :agree: