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View Full Version : aem wideband

21-09-2012, 21:02
Hello everyone,just after some advice on installing my arm wideband please.Was thinking about taking the feed off the cigarette lighter,unless there's an easier option.Also where's the best place to get the wires through to the interior.thanks for any advice.

Chris Holt
21-09-2012, 22:00
Run a feed of the ignition, do it via a relay so when your then the car on it kicks in. Put it in the driver air duct. Easy to see and lots of room for the wires

21-09-2012, 22:01
They don't need a high ampage feed like the ciggerette lighter use the switched feed from the radio and any earth close.
Also in the scuttle under the bonnet there is a rubber grommet where the loom enters the engine bay.

21-09-2012, 22:09
Thanks for the advice,I will give it a go,although me and electrics don't :confused:get on.

Adam 005
23-09-2012, 11:13
Thanks for the advice,I will give it a go,although me and electrics don't :confused:get on.

With your last comment in mind it may pay you to have someone who is competent with auto electrics fit it for you. The last thing you want is a fire:)

Chris Holt
23-09-2012, 11:28
Yeah no twisting wires together and hokdIng together with electrical tape

23-09-2012, 13:26
if the wideband is new you should get some crimp on through connectors not really ideal but do the job, solder and heat shrink insulation is the ideal way. As mentioned might be best to seek help or advice form a compitent person.

29-09-2012, 18:52
Hi guys,managed to wire my wideband in today,took a feed from the radio.All seemed fine but then my heater stopped working and could smell that unmist:)akable smell,coincidence or have I dropped a clanger.Didn't have much time so only checked the fuses and they were fine.

29-09-2012, 19:42
Coincidence ...

29-09-2012, 19:56
Will investigate tomorrow.:agree: