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View Full Version : A Thank You from the Committee - Please Read

01-08-2012, 19:06
Hi guys,

First and of course foremost I want to apologise for the length of this post, I hope some of you can be bothered to read it all but I do ramble when I’m hyped up. We on the Committee all wanted to thank you for coming along to our newly revamped Renault Turbo UK Festival weekend. We hope you all had a great time as we did too - we’ve had some fantastic and constructive feedback. We know it wasn’t perfect but for a first bash, I think we all did pretty well judging from the general consensus. After all, if it was completely perfect then how will we keep growing and make the weekend better next year for you?

I’m not going to lie, running the actual day itself, never mind the months of organisation behind the scene has been a challenge, but Steve and I in particular have found it to be so worth it. I just wanted to talk about some of the peaks and troughs and discuss some ways in which we think we can make 2013 even better.

First off, we wanted to talk about what seems to be the main negative thing that came up (so we can talk about the positives at the end and finish on a high hehe). A couple of people in particular weren’t happy with the show and shine results and although I have suggested we make some changes next year and consider Bluntys idea of having a detailing company do the voting perhaps, the club still strongly stands by the fact that everyone that was awarded a trophy for their car, more than fully deserved it – well done all. :agree:

Positives from the members (yay)
It’s great as I’ve spotted already in only a couple of days since the show finishing that the same few highlights from various people keep coming up:

1) Free rolling road – I’m not sure if you know but this was originally going to be charged at around £30 per run, which is on par with regular shows. However, it was thought that this has probably been a depressing year for most and we are in a double-dip recession afterall, the decision was made on the day not to charge a fee for the usage. We’re all so glad that it was used throughout the entire day and was such a big attraction. The M-Tech lads were great, for which Steve has already personally thanked them for on the club’s behalf. It was nice for them to be so busy and not sat around bored and from the chat with them at the end of the day they actually enjoyed themselves too, which is of course a plus also.

2) Driving tuition – Again this was charged last year and as this had already been paid for by the club, it was offered in sessions for nothing. We had such great feedback last year from people that did it that it seemed only beneficial to offer this out again. Everyone who went out with one of the TAOL instructors said they learnt a lot and even learnt that the limits of their car were higher than they expected.

3) Memorial plates – From the looks of how fast people came running for them they seemed to be popular – this was a fantastic idea of Steve’s to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the club.

4) The new track style – So many people said to us that they loved Blyton as it suited the cars well , and also that the smaller camping area brought everyone closer together and felt less cliquey (and more sociable). I’m glad it worked out like that as I hadn’t thought about it previously but it’s a great point and something we will always need to consider going forward.

Positives from Blyton Park
Steve and I both also spoke to Richard and Jane Usher throughout the day and also at the end of the day and they seemed really happy with the club, so of course we were really pleased. They’re also more than happy to have us back again next year should we wish to and they have even offered to freeze their 2012 prices for us (well done everyone for making such a great lasting impression :agree:). I bumped into Richard on the Sunday morning when I was collecting some bits and he was proudly hammering his RTOC memorial plate onto his wall in the cabin, he loved that!

I personally really liked that Richard himself gave the drivers briefing. Afterall, who knows the track better than the man who built it?! Quite a few people also said the same to Steve and myself at various points.
In Richard’s own words:

“It was fantastic to be part of your day and to meet members with such pure love and enthusiasm for the marque”

I think that sums up our RTOC members perfectly so that was lovely for us to read!

The biggest compliment we heard throughout the day was that this was the best one yet. Obviously not everyone will agree but if Steve and I were sat on chairs, I think we’d have fallen off them at the thought of hearing those words, so thank you. I can speak for all of us when I say that all of the Committee involved in making this happen don’t do it for gratitude or anything, just for the love of the club and the great friends we’ve made through being part of the site. However, as with anything it’s always a great feeling to hear that people had a good time, we did too :D

A HUGE thank you goes out to the members who helped us throughout the day and who all made offers without us even asking – You’ve NO idea how grateful we are for that as it made such a difference to us *** Sending RTOC hugs through cyberspace**

Next Year

We’d really like to know what you enjoyed, what you didn’t and if you’d like us to rebook at Blyton again? Likewise, if you had any favourite parts of the weekend or if you have any of own ideas for 2013 that you’d like to be considered, please speak up :D

Next year we definitely need some more hands on deck, we seemed to have managed to create a success, but with some more enthusiastic people on board we can have the day running even smoother in 2013 ( I might even get time to take people up on their offers of going out on passenger laps – I was stuck with the walkie talkie and doing paperwork instead throughout the day lol).

Now to end on some of my personal highlights:

1) Walking back towards the campsite and seeing a big brown tent 20 feet in the air, flying towards the field. It was raining bags of crisps and car keys all over the site! Poor Alastair but I’m glad you managed to get everything back (apart from the loaf of bread). :laugh:

2) Listening in on the walkie talky that Jane Usher provided me with, I got all the good goss... “YELLOW M3....BLACK FLAG, GET HIM OFF!!”.... 5 minutes later...”WHAT’S THE M3 DOING THIS TIME, BLACK FLAG HIM!”....repeat a few times throughout the day, haha. I think Jaffa was having lots of fun out there ;)

3) The French guys all getting stuck in with the Brits, we loved having you over so please come again! :francais:

4) The little rave up on Saturday evening in the barn, it was 100% the people that made that. I gatecrashed Johnboy, Lou and Emmas little party at the front of the stage and even learnt some new dance moves. Random but these are the things that make my weekend, awesome people!

5) The sun! I was fretting all week about the rain ruining the weekend but our luck was in. Big shout out to Mother Nature, yo!

6) Seeing Dave Reed’s car hit 278bhp on the dyno! I don’t think even the M-Tech boys could believe their eyes and they run a rolling road for a living. That’s one way to make your mark on your first National Day isn’t it Dave?!

7) Seeing all the people that I adore and miss, I wish I could see you all more but weekends like this get us all together, and it’s like I only saw you yesterday (awwwww). I loved meeting so many members, old and new that I hadn’t previously spoken to, and hopefully have made some new friends from it.

8) Watching the Red Arrows fly over on Saturday. I totally geeked out watching that, it was pretty special!

9) Learning that CarCrash is actually quite posh with his prawns on the BBQ, who knew?! The accent is all put on Governor!

10) The moment in the barn when everyone was having fun bouncing around and Steve stopped and turned to me and shouted through the noise, “We did this!” That was awesome, I looked around and was like “oh my god, we did!” **Gives Steve the biggest High 5 ever**

11) Meeting so many new people throughout the entire weekend, you’re a lovely jubbly bunch and I’m so glad we have such a versatile group of people on the club.

12) My final point – watching everyone stop what they were doing to help those who had broken down or needed parts. Believe it or not this doesn’t happen so freely and willingly on other clubs - This is what we call the RTOC Spirit – **PROUD**

Lots of RTOC Love
Dawn & Steve

Photo courtesy of Blyton Park Facebook

jesus in the seat of a 5
01-08-2012, 19:27
feel the love.......:D err wheres my memorial plate....:scratch::laugh::eek::laugh:???????

bod 182
01-08-2012, 19:40
As i said before great weekend definately good idea to return next year great allround venue:cool:no plate to?

01-08-2012, 19:41
Thanks again a lot for all the organisators !!! :agree::agree::agree::agree:
That week end was sooooo GREAT !!!

Don't change anything, that was so nice :)

Maybe a little idea, i don't know if it's possible

- A Huge barbecue :D
Everyone brings stuff, we put everything together and could eat and speek with everyone :)

Coud be fun ! :cooter:

Say it again : THAT WAS AWWWWWWWSOME !!!!!!!

01-08-2012, 19:50
Fabbo!!! :):):)

01-08-2012, 19:53
Gutted I missed it, I promise next year, get me on the decks and I will buzz everyone right up :)

Kris M
01-08-2012, 19:56

01-08-2012, 20:12
I would love the Festival to be at Blyton again next year, IMO the track and venue for a small social gathering such as RTOC is perfect, OK so the track is no cadwell park but is great fun (in the few laps I managed to get in :scared:)

I would also gladley get involved in any RTOC future event organisation, blyton is a bonus for me as I only live a few miles from the track, I often travel to Blyton for the Autograss.:)

I also DJ, have DJ equipment and a close friend who Hires PA equipment (big stuff) that I could get for peanuts. However I fear the barn is a little too small ha ha :cooter:

I just wish during the day I could of been a little more social, but I spend most of the day trying to fix the car! and work forced an early afternoon retreat.

I thought is was a great day and I will be track daying again at Blyton Park in the near future, Ill send out some invites if anyone cares to join me for the day.


Tony Walker
01-08-2012, 20:12
:D Already wish we were back there :agree:

01-08-2012, 20:40
:agree:mega weekend, Blyton park gets my vote.again a big thanks to Dawn and Steve and all the little helpers.every thing was grate, the ONLY down side for me was the amount of people that attended,but after reading the threads i think more will make the effort next year.

01-08-2012, 20:43
Don't mind where it is really - it's the members which make it good for me. I got to know a few more members this time and I feel I'm becoming more of an RTOC family member each year.
I'm not a member of any other club and I never have been so I can't say weather they are like this one or not, but if the're not - they should be.

Top Club
Top members

01-08-2012, 20:48
Thats an awesome post Dawn :cool: feel the love.

Just thought i'd mention it, by no means a negative but didn't realise the track was driven anti clockwise. Having driven Brands, Castle Combe, Donington Park etc over many years it threw me at first that we'd be driving it the opposite way.

Also stones on some of the corners, if corners were clipped it would throw stones onto the Apex meaning you couldn't take the 'racing' line. Admittedly the marshals would sweep them but just wondered why they were there.

To say again not big negatives, overall it was an interesting track to drive. The RR was brilliant not only for drivers but spectators watching plenty of different cars with different states of tunage :)

Communal BBQ in the camping area sounds good (providing the beautiful british weather holds out) :wasntme: the camping area did feel more close knit :)

Tony Walker
01-08-2012, 21:01
Thats an awesome post Dawn :cool: feel the love.

Just thought i'd mention it, by no means a negative but didn't realise the track was driven anti clockwise. Having driven Brands, Castle Combe, Donington Park etc over many years it threw me at first that we'd be driving it the opposite way.

Also stones on some of the corners, if corners were clipped it would throw stones onto the Apex meaning you couldn't take the 'racing' line. Admittedly the marshals would sweep them but just wondered why they were there.

To say again not big negatives, overall it was an interesting track to drive. The RR was brilliant not only for drivers but spectators watching plenty of different cars with different states of tunage :)

Communal BBQ in the camping area sounds good (providing the beautiful british weather holds out) :wasntme: the camping area did feel more close knit :)

I really enjoyed the cone that was thrown in to the apex of the first corner made the chicane after it even more exciting for a few laps, so :agree: thank you whoever did that :D

01-08-2012, 21:07
I think all would agree we're a very blessed club

m1n1 (Jasper)
01-08-2012, 21:22
I've had a great weekend too:agree: Had a great chance to experience the great RTOC hospitality when I was offered even two new waterpumps for my 5:worship:. Kris, a new one should be on it's way.
In my opinion nothing has to be changed for next year, or maybe as said before one giant BBQ were we can all gather and put our food on.

Sadly after the waterpump the alternator decided to die on Sunday, so I drove up to Gainsborough with the French guys (and girl) and ordered a new one there, got it yesterday and back home in Holland now.

Hope to see you next year again on another great weekend!

Jesus 2

Tony Walker
01-08-2012, 21:24
Was nice to meet you Jasper. Glad you got back ok in the end :D

01-08-2012, 21:27
And thanks to Mart for suggesting Blyton Park back at Mallory's AGM... ;) Do I get an award? :D

Nah, seriously, it was a great event & a very well put together ND. Quite possibly the best one yet, imho.

For next year...

- Perhaps a communial bbq on the Friday night to get everyone together from the off?
- A company who specialises in alignment/geo' setup?
- More traders?
- A dedicated photograper where we can view/buy pictures (cd) actually on the day?

01-08-2012, 21:30
I've had a great weekend too:agree: Had a great chance to experience the great RTOC hospitality when I was offered even two new waterpumps for my 5:worship:. Kris, a new one should be on it's way.
In my opinion nothing has to be changed for next year, or maybe as said before one giant BBQ were we can all gather and put our food on.

Sadly after the waterpump the alternator decided to die on Sunday, so I drove up to Gainsborough with the French guys (and girl) and ordered a new one there, got it yesterday and back home in Holland now.

Hope to see you next year again on another great weekend!

Jesus 2

I wish someone told me you needed a alternator I had one in my boot glad you got it sorted and got home ok

01-08-2012, 21:31
i can guarantee there will be more traders there next year im making that my challenge for nd2013

01-08-2012, 21:35
Some great ideas coming up guys, thanks :) We won't get into discussing details just yet but I'll gather a list of topics to discuss over the next couple of weeks when we've all recovered lol :agree:

m1n1 (Jasper)
01-08-2012, 21:46
I wish someone told me you needed a alternator I had one in my boot glad you got it sorted and got home ok

Thx, but I noticed when almost everyone was gone already...

tof 08
01-08-2012, 22:03
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

thanks for this wonderful meeting!!!!
change nothing,it's perfect!!!:agree:
thanks for the good welcome for the french team!!!!:agree:
wonderful cars,wonderful guys!!! perfect!!!!!:agree::agree:

Kris M
01-08-2012, 22:15
I've had a great weekend too:agree: Had a great chance to experience the great RTOC hospitality when I was offered even two new waterpumps for my 5:worship:. Kris, a new one should be on it's way.
In my opinion nothing has to be changed for next year, or maybe as said before one giant BBQ were we can all gather and put our food on.

Sadly after the waterpump the alternator decided to die on Sunday, so I drove up to Gainsborough with the French guys (and girl) and ordered a new one there, got it yesterday and back home in Holland now.

Hope to see you next year again on another great weekend!

Jesus 2

Jasper, was good to meet you. Glad you got home ok in the end. Its the least i could do :) thanks for sorting out another one

Big Steve - Raider
01-08-2012, 22:47
Jesus 2

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Loving that the RTOC has got 2 Jesus's! We are truly blessed!!! :niceone:

Mart, you're going to have to upload that picture from Bekki's camera of me preying to the two Jesus's! ;)

A pleasure to meet you Jasper!! We should look to come over to Holland sometime in the future to the Netherlands opening event!!

m1n1 (Jasper)
01-08-2012, 22:52
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Loving that the RTOC has got 2 Jesus's! We are truly blessed!!! :niceone:

Mart, you're going to have to upload that picture from Bekki's camera of me preying to the two Jesus's! ;)

A pleasure to meet you Jasper!! We should look to come over to Holland sometime in the future to the Netherlands opening event!!

:agree: your welcome!

01-08-2012, 23:58
And thanks to Mart for suggesting Blyton Park back at Mallory's AGM... ;) Do I get an award? :D

Nah, seriously, it was a great event & a very well put together ND. Quite possibly the best one yet, imho.

For next year...

- Perhaps a communial bbq on the Friday night to get everyone together from the off?
- A company who specialises in alignment/geo' setup?
- More traders?
- A dedicated photograper where we can view/buy pictures (cd) actually on the day?


This chap does set up and alighnments, he is local to the track at Gainsborough and Im sure at some point he did clio racing but I may be wrong.
He also uses Blyton park for testing.
Just an idea!

02-08-2012, 08:30

This chap does set up and alighnments, he is local to the track at Gainsborough and Im sure at some point he did clio racing but I may be wrong.
He also uses Blyton park for testing.
Just an idea!

I would get Matt@codeRed to do it unless he wants to play on track...

Penfold aka The Dealer
02-08-2012, 08:35
I would get Matt@codeRed to do it unless he wants to play on track...

I am sure he will be up for it, need to get him attending ND to show off his skills :)

02-08-2012, 09:08
A truly brilliant weekend, I can't thank you enough for arranging it all :agree: I think I'd have to be really picky to think of things to improve upon but like Mart suggested; it'd be nice to have a photographer there on the day to buy your photos from :) Other than that :cool:

My face is peeling......... :laugh:

02-08-2012, 09:49
I would love it to be at Blyton again next year.
I personally thought it was well organised, a great atmosphere, a decent amount of nice 5's especially the french guys, turbo ted's, mine:laugh: etc....
Free rolling road and driving tuition was a really nice touch. The Track was perfect for our little cars:).
What more do you want for £70???, so well done to everyone who made it my fav national day:D:D:agree::agree:

Anychance of bringing blyton closer to devon, ill pay £75....:laugh::D;)

02-08-2012, 09:57
An amazing weekend and club and it's me members thanks very much thanks dawn and Steve epic weekend mega booommmmmmm

02-08-2012, 10:02
A pleasure to meet you Jasper!! We should look to come over to Holland sometime in the future to the Netherlands opening event!!


Zandvoort followed by a night in the 'dam :cool:

Big Steve - Raider
02-08-2012, 10:07

Zandvoort followed by a night in the 'dam :cool:


Jeff Ninebar
02-08-2012, 10:27
I'm gutted I couldn't make it this year I was hoping the 10 aniversary event was going to be my first but I was working at this Olympic Opening Ceremony thing that was on friday night and knew I'd never make the day. Also my 5 is in bits in the garage. Looking forward to next year as there are no Olympics and the 5 should be all shiny and ready for action by then! Looks like you all had a great event, so well done to the RTOC team.

02-08-2012, 10:53
I am sure he will be up for it, need to get him attending ND to show off his skills :)

In the paddock or on track....:scratch:

If I can get the time I'll try my best to get there next time. Thanks for the kind words Alastair and shoppers.

Sounds like you lot had a good one! Interesting track too, looks fast!


02-08-2012, 13:22
Had a brilliant day, I'd happily attend Blyton again next year too. I'll be bringing something with significantly more power, torque, capability and less weight next time though! The brave little 172 did an awesome job but next year the Evo's and Kitcars are 'avin some punishment Renault stylee :D:agree:

I felt there was room for a few more too, hows about you let me bring some of the 21Turbo owners club next year? :)

Duncan Grier
02-08-2012, 13:29
Had a brilliant day, I'd happily attend Blyton again next year too. I'll be bringing something with significantly more power, torque, capability and less weight next time though! The brave little 172 did an awesome job but next year the Evo's and Kitcars are 'avin some punishment Renault stylee :D:agree:

I felt there was room for a few more too, hows about you let me bring some of the 21Turbo owners club next year? :)

Dave I will not be runing 10psi std power next year and have working brakes and tweaked suspension setup. It better be real quick if you want to see me put the indicator on LOL :laugh::laugh::laugh:

It was a great weekend :cool:

Seeing some 21's in action could be cool Dave

Banter aside, great work to all involved


Tony Walker
02-08-2012, 21:43
I was under the impression other clubs had been invited, yet i didnt see any other clubs there? was the 17 from another club? and the gordini turbo?

Big Steve - Raider
02-08-2012, 21:51
I was under the impression other clubs had been invited, yet i didnt see any other clubs there? was the 17 from another club? and the gordini turbo?

We've invited other clubs many times, from the 21OC to the RAOC and they never come because I think they still believe we're all ALI-G Big Wheels & Sub Boxes :crap:

The Renault 17 is r17antony (http://www.rtoc.org/boards/member.php?u=988) Gordini Turbo is Mattv6's (http://www.rtoc.org/boards/member.php?u=3310) new toy (http://www.rtoc.org/boards/showthread.php?t=29125)

Tony Walker
02-08-2012, 21:54
:D maybe send a write up of blyton to them in advance for next year? also i meant the black gordini turbo, ts i think.

02-08-2012, 22:01
The Renault 17 is r17antony (http://www.rtoc.org/boards/member.php?u=988) Gordini Turbo is Mattv6's (http://www.rtoc.org/boards/member.php?u=3310) new toy (http://www.rtoc.org/boards/showthread.php?t=29125)

Was there not two Gordini Turbos there, a black one i seen on track quite a bit and a white one.

Awesome event thanks for putting on such a great day!

02-08-2012, 22:05
:D maybe send a write up of blyton to them in advance for next year?

Why should we bend over backwards to 'invite' them? Anyone who looks down on rtoc, its members, and the cars that make the club, aren't worth the time of day, imho.

They knew the event was on, they could've turned up, but they didn't :dearme:

Tony Walker
02-08-2012, 22:10
Yeah i see your point Mart but maybe they dont know what there missing :D

02-08-2012, 22:12
Their loss then.

Tony Walker
02-08-2012, 22:14
This threads a positive one Mart give us a smile :D

02-08-2012, 22:15
:D :agree:

Tony Walker
02-08-2012, 22:17
That'll do :agree: you probably didnt realise on track the effort i was putting in trying to keep up with you for me to realise you were on a cool down lap. Was quite disheartening lol

02-08-2012, 22:40
We've invited other clubs many times, from the 21OC to the RAOC and they never come because I think they still believe we're all ALI-G Big Wheels & Sub Boxes :crap:

Thats not quite true Steve.

The main reason teh 21turbo mob don't come is they are tighter than a scotsman with short arms and deep pockets.

£70 is quite possibly more than the the total worth of every 21turbo still on the road in the UK.



21toc Webmaster.

Big Steve - Raider
02-08-2012, 22:42
Thats not quite true Steve.

The main reason teh 21turbo mob don't come is they are tighter than a scotsman with short arms and deep pockets.

£70 is quite possibly more than the the total worth of every 21turbo still on the road in the UK.



21toc Webmaster.

:laugh::laugh: I think that my comment painted them in a brighter light! ;)

03-08-2012, 12:02
I want to say thank you has all the members!!!!:cool:

all have be very well!,very good organisation.

Travel France this be very well spent, and evenings to camping very good also.

thanks for the free folling road,the show and shine .....:agree:

big thanks a turboted for the walk of the crazy car!!!! this be magic!:eek::D

Sorry of not talking to everyone, but my be a very bad English, this will not be easy for me:rolleyes:

again thanks, and lnext year 2013:cool::agree:

Tony Walker
03-08-2012, 12:40
Thank you for making the huge effort to come to the festival.

04-08-2012, 11:35
Dave I will not be runing 10psi std power next year and have working brakes and tweaked suspension setup. It better be real quick if you want to see me put the indicator on LOL :laugh::laugh::laugh:

It was a great weekend :cool:

Seeing some 21's in action could be cool Dave

Banter aside, great work to all involved



Why should we bend over backwards to 'invite' them? Anyone who looks down on rtoc, its members, and the cars that make the club, aren't worth the time of day, imho.

They knew the event was on, they could've turned up, but they didn't :dearme:

There were two 21Toc members there, granted the 21 was at home this time mind.
If we're allowed next year i'll get the rabble organised, I think they just need a familiar face to get them motivated and explain it's not all 'Sub boxes and big spoilers'.

Thats not quite true Steve.

The main reason teh 21turbo mob don't come is they are tighter than a scotsman with short arms and deep pockets.

£70 is quite possibly more than the the total worth of every 21turbo still on the road in the UK.



21toc Webmaster.

Look at Mr Snobby-bollocks now he's got his shiny R26! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
I'l continue to let you watch me romp around the track because I can afford to put new boots on mine without remortgaging the house :cooter::cooter:

04-08-2012, 13:46
Look at Mr Snobby-bollocks now he's got his shiny R26! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
I'l continue to let you watch me romp around the track because I can afford to put new boots on mine without remortgaging the house :cooter::cooter:

:D ****.

I have my feet firmly on the ground with my wreck of a five.


The five WILL be tracked next year. Assuming I dont need to buy some more rubber for the Megane.