View Full Version : indicator and headlight issues

26-07-2012, 09:43
I'm having trouble with all my lights at front on drivers side of car.

The side light, dipped and full beam are all very dim. never going to pass MOT. This is the same after replacing bulbs. Also the indicator on this side is behaving oddly. I gave all contacts a clean with contact cleaner and got the bulb seats out so I could wiggle them about and check for issues with wiring or bad contact in plug. With indicator it would light the bulb dimly all the time after a little wiggle and this would cause the rear indicator to stop working. Wiggle again so bulb goes out and rear one works and front one does nothing. Checked the earth point just below headlight with continuity check back to battery negative and shows no resistance so assume all is good. Checked voltage to main h4 bulb and comes out as 11.3, car was not running at this point however passenger side showed 11.9.

Little bit stumped here where to go next. Any thoughts no matter how stupid it may seem are welcome :)

26-07-2012, 09:56
Probably an earth, there's earths underneath the head lights bolting to the chassis, give them a clean

26-07-2012, 10:39
Funny enough my drivers side indicators have both stopped working bulbs work fine as I checked them both.. Any ideas?

26-07-2012, 10:59
There might be a issue with the connection block which connects up the wires coming from the car to the wiring for the indicators, best thing is to remove that plug and test if your getting any power to it from the car when indicators are on.

26-07-2012, 11:18
There might be a issue with the connection block which connects up the wires coming from the car to the wiring for the indicators, best thing is to remove that plug and test if your getting any power to it from the car when indicators are on.

Where can I find this block m8?

26-07-2012, 11:38
That was more response to Nottswood, should have quoted it. But if you pull the indicator out the front you will see where the wire is when it connects up to the other wiring loom, if you are getting good signal there from a multimeter your issue is elsewhere

26-07-2012, 17:16
There might be a issue with the connection block which connects up the wires coming from the car to the wiring for the indicators, best thing is to remove that plug and test if your getting any power to it from the car when indicators are on.

I haven't a clue when it comes to electrics and I don't have a multimeter perhaps I will just keep going left :) Strange how they both just packed up..

26-07-2012, 17:29
The side repeater and front indicator are on this same part of the loom which then connects to the wire, so if the connector has gone then neither light will work, hence unplug that and see what you are getting power wise. You might be lucky and just move the wire around to see if it connects up again but it will be something to do with that plug more than likely.

26-07-2012, 17:36
The side repeater and front indicator are on this same part of the loom which then connects to the wire, so if the connector has gone then neither light will work, hence unplug that and see what you are getting power wise. You might be lucky and just move the wire around to see if it connects up again but it will be something to do with that plug more than likely.

I don't know about BIGFOOT but your a BIG help to me :) wiggled it just a little bit and bosh they came back on :) thanks bud if only everything worked that way.. Thought I was going to have to keep driving in circles

26-07-2012, 17:37
Glad its back working :)

26-07-2012, 18:41
Glad its fixed for you m8. Any ideas on mine :cooter: