View Full Version : Need a new intercooler

23-07-2012, 13:54
Found out the standard intercooler that was fitted to my car had a massive hole in it. The car used to feel quick before with this fitted so god knows how much boost pressure it has been missing

I need to get a new one, preferably something stainless and OE fitment. There's some cheap ones on eBay - are they any good?

Any recommendations?


23-07-2012, 14:20
for standard fitment get a pace intercooler. Can deal with 30-40psi????? (sure someone will know figures)

I have one works fine :D

23-07-2012, 14:22
for standard fitment get a pace intercooler. Can deal with 30-40psi????? (sure someone will know figures)

I have one works fine :D

30-40psi Seriously that's rather exagerated, the best std repalcement intercooler you can get is the GTTuning breadbin it's a proper twin core (ok I might be exagerating that it's proper twin core but it is thick:laugh:) and constructed very well and even using that I would not exceed 20psi unless I was able to watch charge temp's were ok.

There were some test's done quiet a few years back now I am sure Mart :mart:can provide the correct info here.:agree:

Some more info here

23-07-2012, 14:36
That test was a good few years ago wasn't it :) (where does the time go?), but yep, as James said, the GT Tuning 'breadbin' intercooler came out best for efficiency & pressure drop.

Without wishing to p1ss on anyone's chips, the Pace unit faired the worst...by far, and their CC unit wasn't much better either.

Thought it was a well known fact on here about Pace products quality? Maybe not...

A 'strapped & flowed' o.e intercooler held its own & performed well, with the Forge unit (o.e position 'cooler, not their fmic kit) not doing too bad - Definitely better than the Pace equivalent, but not as good as the GT Tuning breadbin.

Best 'fmic' intercooler (without having to hack out the front crossmember) was the Cossie cores, with the 4wd performing slightly better than the 2wd jobby.

Never tested the larger fmic's as I didn't want to cut/remove said crossmember.

And although I never compared it back-to-back with all the aforementioned, the PWR CC barrel worked nicely on my old Raider.

Unfortunately all the temperature/efficiency & pressure drop data was lost from the old server, and I've long since lost all the notes I had scribbled down, but the above 'testing' is what I personally found to be the case, fwiw.

GT Josh
23-07-2012, 15:12
I use a K-tec double cap intercooler. Got it off my brother. Runs like a dream at 18 psi, my brother ran 22 for ages...

23-07-2012, 15:22
22 Was a little excessive on that k-tec cooler, I only really used it for short bursts, anything over that and really you will be needing a better positioned larger cooler.;)

Markey Mark (BD)
23-07-2012, 15:56
You got to bear in mind just because an intercooler can hold a certain pressure (30psi for example) doesn't mean it works effectively at that pressure, i bet you there effective working pressure is alot less than the pressure it holds

23-07-2012, 16:21
I found heat soak on the pace intercooler very bad at 23 psi, holds it own at 16 psi those. Front mount the way forward with high boost in my opinion.

23-07-2012, 17:08
There's a front mount on eBay now bids are only @ £26 so far

23-07-2012, 18:22
got a cossie intercooler if ya interested its going cheap sick of seeing it in my shed.:)

24-07-2012, 07:35
Wow wasn't expecting so many posts

I'm not after a front mount intercooler I just want an alloy intercooler that fits where the standard cooler would fit.

Preferably brand new.

GT Josh
24-07-2012, 10:50
Wow wasn't expecting so many posts

I'm not after a front mount intercooler I just want an alloy intercooler that fits where the standard cooler would fit.

Preferably brand new.

Look for a 2nd hand gt tuning one then. Brand new ones are generally cheap and nasty

24-07-2012, 11:34
Ok, might have found one.

How can you tell if it is a GT Tuning cooler - are they stamped?

24-07-2012, 11:48
Ok, might have found one.

How can you tell if it is a GT Tuning cooler - are they stamped?

1st pic opn the right in link with slight scroll down:agree:


:laugh: Just seen it is guaranteed to 150psi happy boosting

24-07-2012, 11:48
I'm not after a front mount intercooler I just want an alloy intercooler that fits where the standard cooler would fit.


GT Josh
24-07-2012, 11:54


24-07-2012, 13:20
I've got a frontmount on mine no cutting of cross member http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h309/ronsvalver/9b2c6187.jpg

24-07-2012, 13:34
I've got a frontmount on mine no cutting of cross member http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h309/ronsvalver/9b2c6187.jpg

You've taken the tow hook off for that to fit then?
I've just brought a fmic and will be fitting it soon.

24-07-2012, 14:24


24-07-2012, 15:28
Yeah removed towing hook fits great behind bumper. It's very stealth :-)

30-07-2012, 16:32

Anyone had experience with these?

02-08-2012, 14:14

GT Josh
02-08-2012, 14:26
No, what boost will you be looking to run??

02-08-2012, 15:33
For the moment, standard boost until I get the damn thing actually running properly. Then i'll want to up the boost slightly but nothing much.

Romil Davda
02-08-2012, 15:38
Mike 16v sold me a double capacity for about £100, will replace the standard as you want (but was not new).

I am after a Front mount, so mine will be for sale soon... As per the talks as the Surrey meet last night, the cars with standard styles IC ran lower power than those with front mount, at National Day. Its all down to surface area (and where they point the fan!) and charge temp but if your not looking for 200 horses +, the standard styles will do.

The one in the pic on the eBay add looks huge! and no, not had any experience with that one. I was going to write "go branded" but again was told there are some crap products out there. Some non-branded items get branded (usually a sticker) and sold for twice as much!

Romil Davda
02-08-2012, 15:39
got a cossie intercooler if ya interested its going cheap sick of seeing it in my shed.:)

Have you still got this dude?

02-08-2012, 16:27
Best intercooler to fit in the original place is the gt tuning breadbin cooler.

If your not running loads of boost i.e. 16psi or less use a standard intercooler strapped and deflapped.

02-08-2012, 16:57
Invisible post test...

Romil Davda
02-08-2012, 16:57
Best intercooler to fit in the original place is the gt tuning breadbin cooler.

If your not running loads of boost i.e. 16psi or less use a standard intercooler strapped and deflapped.

Sorry to highjack... Brigsy mate, was it you in the white van at ND? That is one quick van! Did it go on the rollers?

02-08-2012, 17:49
Sorry to highjack... Brigsy mate, was it you in the white van at ND? That is one quick van! Did it go on the rollers?

That was his van, 201bhp on the rollers