View Full Version : Honda F1

05-12-2008, 07:57

Makes you wonder where this credit crunch will end?! :sad2:

05-12-2008, 09:08

Penfold aka The Dealer
05-12-2008, 09:20
I cant believe it, such a shame as i was hoping they would do well over the next year or so...

05-12-2008, 09:53
Its a disaster, have you seen the photos of Hondas/Nissans etc finished car storage sites!? Brimming with cars, none are selling!! Nightmare.

05-12-2008, 10:31
wasnt the reason they were so ****e this season supposed to be cause they didnt develop their car and choose to develop the new car for 2009 season instead ?

05-12-2008, 11:22
They spent circa half a billion dollars on developing two cars, had 2 well known, experienced drivers on the books, gave up on the 08 car halfway through the season, and ended up with 14 or whatever it was points - If I was the Honda boss man, alarm bells would've been ringing a long while ago!

Some might say they only have theirself to blame. Maybe they shouldn't have concentrated so much on next year's car & left this year's car as a rotting corpse.

I guess that signals the end of Rubens F1 career, Button may have to take a sabbatical, or plump for the Toro Rosso seat, and we may have to wait another year before Bruno Senna gets a drive.

What a shambles :sad2:

05-12-2008, 11:56
T'is a real shame but I'm more concerned about the Honda workers, quite a few of my friends and Sukhi being some of them.

They're being given Feb and March off work next year while they try and recoup some money. There will be redundancies all over the shop (disguised ones as they're offering some people packages etc), it's a real mess :(

paul b
05-12-2008, 11:59
I say give em a woolworths livery and race as a British team......

05-12-2008, 12:13
The reason the F1 team won't compete next year is due to the escalating cost of the sport.

The current financial situation has added to that so greatly that the decision was made to pull the team from next season.

That was pretty much what the statement released by our CEO said.

I'm surprised it's just Honda at the moment, 3 other major teams if you will, are also re-considering pulling out of next years Formula 1 season.

Andrew Cooke
05-12-2008, 13:14
the fat lady isn't singing yet.

although she is warming up her vocal chords and tucking into an extra large pie.

Big Steve - Raider
05-12-2008, 14:17
Just as F1 is moving back to BBC & we're going to be free of adverts!!

Bet the bloke at BBC who pushed for bidding so highly for the F1 coverage is setting sail for FAIL now!! :sad2:

Everyone's jumping on the old Downturn bandwagon now, I think things are going to get a LOT worst before they get better :crap:

05-12-2008, 16:50
better sell me your car for £500 now!:rolleyes:

05-12-2008, 20:19
Its just the Japs saving face.........

05-12-2008, 20:31
Guys, don't worry panic over!!

I've put Honda F1 team on my Christams list and I've been a good boy this year :) I'm sure Santa will get it for me!!