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View Full Version : Eventful weekend of sprints

04-07-2012, 11:54
2 events last weekend with a function on the Saturday night has made for a very blury start to the working week.

1st up was the Aintree sprint and for this I car swapped and drove a home built single seater :eek:

she has a 1100 Kowasaki bike engine and revs to 12K. My first time in anger on slicks and wings and you can imagine I was understandably nervous.

After my first run the data was down loaded and I was told that I took the first corner 20mph slower than my co driver! :laugh:

Anyway after 3 runs I was 0.25 sec off his pace but to be fair he is a very senior competitor.

His car was amazing very stable and neutral handling in my view it could have done with more throttle travel as I found it impossible to feed in the throttle ending up with a Sennaesque see saw on and of the throttle through the corner as I alternatively tried to accelerate and frightened myself with the sudden rise in revs.

On the other hand his daughter was driving Doris and running well in the midfield until she didnt make the last corner and took out a concrete post :cry:.

Anyway much duck tape later I retreated to Liverpool for my reunion dinner with the cooling fan wailing like a banshee as it rubbed on the bodywork. Up at 7 spent 90 mins with just a screwdriver and adjustable wrench trying to sort the fan out and finished with it still noisy but effective.

Arrived at 3 Sisters for a late sign on quickest in first practice which was treachoursly wet then well down the field on the second run. Full boost and dry setting for first timed run saw me a second up in class but than I couldnt improve and on the 4th timed run my rival Keith beat me by 0.02 second!

A great day and I fell asleep watching Spain destroy Italy.

4 weeks to fix her so wish the pit crew luck.

Ian S
04-07-2012, 12:47
duck tapeDuct?

Good review. Shame about your road car. I guess she wasn't used to understeer?

04-07-2012, 13:42
Duke tape is a brand name so could have been either :cooter:

Sorry to hear about the concrete post. Just one of those things, to be expected from time to time :crap:

04-07-2012, 22:52
Thanks Ian your right but it was pretty wet to start with so ....

Scoff it can be hard to know when you have locked the brakes and it looks like she just slid in a straight line for about 40yds.

Pit crew raring to go and she goes in tomorrow. I really missed my splitter the next day and to lose by 0.02 is so close. Never mind as you say all part of the game.

TC still not doing anything noticeable.

04-07-2012, 22:59
Not enough being a doctor?

Sounds like a quiet weekend for you. :agree:

10-07-2012, 11:25

scroll to the bottom of page 4 :coffee::eek::wasntme:

10-07-2012, 11:27
;'( that will buff out!

10-07-2012, 11:29

scroll to the bottom of page 4 :coffee::eek::wasntme:

Poor Doris. :cry:

jesus in the seat of a 5
10-07-2012, 11:59
bugger, ive had a few err moments since starting to compete...:laugh:, good goin russ as usual, id love to do harewood and the others up by you..:)

Ian S
10-07-2012, 12:05
Any 'normal' car and that would be written off?

Did that crease the inner wing too? Maybe will have bent the passenger cabin a bit.

I drove over the edge a newly installed tall curb road island which caused the subframe on the drivers side to be 'flattened' up a little bit. When it came to the garage attempting to fit the new frame, the holes would not align and they put the car on the jig and found the shell to be bent. They gave it a 'pull' to square it but I think that must have resulted in the windscreen coming unglued as it leaked gallons in after that until I eventually, by removing the complete fascia, traced the leak and had a new screen fitted.

10-07-2012, 17:47
She is coming on in the pits some fabrication required but luckily no damage to radiator, intercooler, oil cooler. I will let you know if she rains in Ian, lets hope not. They are going to put her on a jig to test the suspension geometry.

Beaten by 0.02 sec the next day ? loss of weight made her go faster or loss of splitter reduced front grip.

all good fun.

11-09-2012, 14:17
More fun at 3 Sisters
1st practice saw me bury Doris into the tyre wall in 4th gear :cry:.

The corner onto the pit straight off the hill is a favourite spot for an accident and I completely lost the plot and didnt make my gear change in time.

Anyway my patent tyre wall deflector AKA front splitter did a stirling job and I just had to bend my timing strut straight and you would never had known :D

Not a great start and I had a OK 2nd run then in 1st timed run I had a missfire under load which I think was due to one of my HT leads rubbing on the alternator. Fixed that with a bit of pipe. 2nd time run I messed up the same corner of the hill again :mad:

So that left me 4th a second behind the leading time, with one final chance, real pressure. I went over my plan of attack in my head and executed pretty much as I wanted. Threw her into the final bend up hill to the finish, made the corner full throttle to the line and... the engine cut out with 30yrds to go :sad:.

I came second by 16 hundreths of a second, if only.

I have an electrical gremlin that visits now and then and it just picked a really bad time to show up. :scratch: