View Full Version : tap tap tap ... valve clearances.

14-06-2012, 22:36
Again fresh rebuild... however its been 16 months since i really heard an r5 engine running and ive become use to the modern mazda engines.. however

does this sound a bit to loud.. i did the valve clearances but it just sounds a bit tappy. There are blows around teh turbo i need to look at also.


Phoenix Autosport
14-06-2012, 22:46
i would say its a little on the loud side but nothing that bad, what oil you using and was engine cold or warm as pushrod engines do tend to be far quieter when up to temp

15-06-2012, 07:14
engine had been running for 5 mins or so , so quite warm..

its 15/40 mineral oil :)

15-06-2012, 12:15
check your usng the correct fealer gauges . dont get mixed up with mm and thou


15-06-2012, 12:23
Should be quieter than that if properly adjusted, what have you set them to?

Matt Cole
15-06-2012, 14:06
At worst, concave followers, bent pushrod, damaged rocker arm contact faces, low to zero oil pressure within the shaft galleries. All can be fixed.

Check the basics first as already mentioned.

15-06-2012, 18:26
This is what my engine has sounded like since iv had it, done 16k in it. Standard cam - standard clearances - same noise

piper 270 cam - standard valve clearances - same noise - piper valve clearances - same noise

push rods all look ok, cam followers look ok

I will be reffitting with a different head so il see if that changes anything.

Dave Reed
15-06-2012, 23:21
To me that noise sounds more like a blowing exhaust manifold, but hard to hear on a phone and video tbh lol

16-06-2012, 11:44
i set to .20 and .25 however now read that rev 2 had them as

inlet is .15 exh is .20... so ill try that :)

16-06-2012, 22:40
sorted :)


17-06-2012, 12:06
that sounds much better:)

17-06-2012, 13:39
Really good demonstration of the difference - thanks for that:agree:

17-06-2012, 15:40
No problemo :).. I always like to finalise a post rather than solve the problem but never report back.

17-06-2012, 18:57
sounds well ****bag!:agree:

17-06-2012, 19:02
Sounds much better, hope mines this quiete when built again