View Full Version : Door cards

17-05-2012, 20:56
Hi has anyone tried to re upholster there door cards,and if so how much of a success was it? I've bought some fabric and am going to give it a try at the weekend, they are in a bit of a state at the moment

Phoenix Autosport
17-05-2012, 21:43
FLOCK !!! :laugh:
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/399951_310997682280568_265290366851300_881866_1237 319283_n.jpg

more pics in my flocking thread :agree:

17-05-2012, 21:54
FLOCK !!! :laugh:
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/399951_310997682280568_265290366851300_881866_1237 319283_n.jpg

more pics in my flocking thread :agree:

So how much for these delivered to Edinburgh ??

Phoenix Autosport
17-05-2012, 22:54
for phase 2 parts if you are sending in your parts to be refinished by us the cost for work would be

prep and flock front cards (pair) £100

prep and flock rear quarter cards (pair) £60

prep and flock door pockets (pair) (inc internally) £40

or have multiple parts done for discounts

front and rear cards together £145

front and rear cards and door pockets together £175

return post is approx £18 by tracked courier

we can also repair collapsed armrest on door cards for £12.50
any repairs of minor cracks are included with flocking but larger cracks or other damage may be charged but price would be quoted before comencing work