View Full Version : What a tit I am..

22-04-2012, 08:30
Iv been a member for three months now and done a fare amount to the five myself and members help. The thing is Iv looked in here on my iPhone as I don't have a pc.. Iv just found the wizard section on here with all the answers lol.. Sorry guys for all the silly posts ha now I know were to look first.. :ashamed:

22-04-2012, 09:19
paul dont worry about it fella, as it does no harm in asking about things, sometimes you will find out more than one way to do a certain job and you might find one of the ways suit you better, but yes use the wizard section and also do a search and if still no joy pop a thread up :)

22-04-2012, 19:56
I have been a member for ages and never seen it to :)