View Full Version : So that's why no one wants the sunroof model..

04-04-2012, 15:05
All this rain has shown me my sunroof leaks first time since I bought it that it's rained is there a way of tightening the seal as the sunroof looks spot on no rot no rips and the rubbers look fine.

dangerous dave
04-04-2012, 17:05
marc on here helped me with mine, when i say helped i let him do it.. :D

on mine you can remove the glass with some jiggery pokery, then your left looking at the seal, which covered all of the glass but the rubber was no longer sealing to the sunroof body.. pulled the seal out, dremal'd all the sh1te out, got some sealent and then with some more faffing edged the seal into place while lowering the glass..

you have to lower the glass to stretch the rubber into place and also hold it down in one ball ache effort..

that worked on mine.. not once has it leaked in the last two years, but it has been sat in the garage for all of that:(

04-04-2012, 19:16
I gave up with mine and resorted to running a small amount of Vasilene (pushed out of a large syringe) between the glass and the seal. I never use the sunroof anyways, so it's a win win for me. and it used to piss in.

05-04-2012, 13:09
Doesn't vaseline and any petroleum based products eat rubber seals?

05-04-2012, 14:14
Thats what it says on the back of the pack! :)

05-04-2012, 16:33
Thats what it says on the back of the pack! :)

mines still fine 2 years in. No leaks at all. And I think your minds are on condoms lol. :D

05-04-2012, 19:06
I discovered that mine leaks too. What is annoying is that a previous owner has black nasties it in and it still leaks!

08-04-2012, 09:56
I discovered that mine leaks too. What is annoying is that a previous owner has black nasties it in and it still leaks!

That was the worry with mine and why I did not use silicon etc on mine as once it starts leaking again your fo**ed.

I did try to get one from renault - no luck, then I found one that looked right from a pug 106 but it was a special order @ £85.00 + vat with no returns. Needless to say I didn't get one. I did offer to pay for the return for said item but no one was willing to help:(.

Chris Beer
08-04-2012, 10:47
Mine had a broken handle and tons of sealant ... pointless because the handle didn't keep it shut tight...

I did want to blank it with a carbon sheet but I'm not so sure now

old skool turbo power
08-04-2012, 20:13
All this rain has shown me my sunroof leaks first time since I bought it that it's rained is there a way of tightening the seal as the sunroof looks spot on no rot no rips and the rubbers look fine.

I THINK it mentions in the renault manuals(when brought with the car)that all sunroofs need to be cleaned every 6 months or so to keep the rubber seal aronud the sunroof clean and fresh.
Its not only on the 5s that have the sunroof leaking it happens on the clios as well,it happened to my mates and aload of black siclion covering up every gap where the seal is for the sunroof:sad2:.saying that its no better when it leaks where the I/R roof console is :crap:..renaults can have some stange leaks.............:laugh:

19-04-2012, 16:40
I know on my Clio it was the aerial base that used to leak or the top of the passenger windscreen;)