View Full Version : Info on my car

19-03-2012, 15:59
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

H976 YHY

Anybody know this car ??? picked it up at the weekend and believe it was last sold around december time in the Birmingham area , any help appreciated .

19-03-2012, 20:01
hang on.....

19-03-2012, 20:03
the crystal dumpvalve of truth says its had 15 owners,was a dogging car for previous 3 owners,been in to huge front smashes,and 1 bank robbery,6 drug runs across the channel to,one ram raid,countless shags and bong hits,there you go.

Tony Walker
19-03-2012, 20:04
Not personally but it looks like a lovely example :agree:

20-03-2012, 20:53
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

the crystal dumpvalve of truth says its had 15 owners,was a dogging car for previous 3 owners,been in to huge front smashes,and 1 bank robbery,6 drug runs across the channel to,one ram raid,countless shags and bong hits,there you go.

Excellent !! that`ll explain all the crusty lumps on the front seats then:laugh:

Thanks for the reply , regardless of content :Dbut just thought I would see if any of the long timers on here had any info on the car, It is very clean and very original, been waiting along time for a car this clean , I`m like a pig in s*#t at the moment:yeah:

20-03-2012, 20:57
Give it a couple of months, an empty wallet and a car that is parked on the drive not running:bothered:lol

Na only joking great buzz when you bring a new car home:)

20-03-2012, 22:18
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

I know its all to look forward too so got my head gasket set on order :p

Hoping this one lasts as had to rebuild the engine on my last two so glutten for punishment you can say but I love it really :D

06-05-2012, 11:46
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Give it a couple of months, an empty wallet and a car that is parked on the drive not running:bothered:lol

Na only joking great buzz when you bring a new car home:)

You must be phychic !!!! clutch gone !!:dearme: time to look the old Renault boiler suit out. At least I get to open the tool box and work some of the rust off the tools , been sitting for a few years now since I jacked the trade.