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View Full Version : Cheap Bluray players anyone?

17-02-2012, 21:46

I got made redundant just before Crimbo and have since started out on my own selling refurbished Bluray, DVD players and all that jazz.

Take a peek at my ebay store ;)

http://stores.ebay.co.uk/djtechstore <-- doing this one with an old collegue

http://stores.ebay.co.uk/uktechedge <-- just me!

Drop me a PM if you need owt;) I'll swap anything for a mint PH1 grill...... !:p:p

17-02-2012, 21:52
good on ya for doing something after being made redundant dude.. somthing others should leran to do aswell.!

17-02-2012, 21:59
good on ya for doing something after being made redundant dude.. somthing others should leran to do aswell.!

Cheers bud, it was a bit of a shock..! Signed on for a couple of weeks wondering wtf to do! There were some right work shy b****ds down the job centre with no interest of getting any work... Not getting into that game.

Its going alright so far, had my first 18-wheeler turn up to my unit the other day full of stock. Busy week next week! :D

17-02-2012, 22:07
You able to get hold of remote controls ? My dog decided he wanted to watch a blueray but got frustrated with the remote control so ate it.

19-02-2012, 14:15
You able to get hold of remote controls ? My dog decided he wanted to watch a blueray but got frustrated with the remote control so ate it.

Ha! Happens a lot that.....:)

In a word, no.... try Howard at www.genuinecopies.tv Not the best of quality compared with original remotes, but they'll do the job.:agree:

19-02-2012, 15:41
Gah ! he hasnt got the one I need ..