View Full Version : What happened to the M?

11-09-2011, 22:06
Anyone heard from Krissy M? Seems he has stopped posting? Has he still got the coupe?

11-09-2011, 22:47
m's fine!!! an yep le coupe is fine to!!!!

Nick k
11-09-2011, 23:07
he's turned into a alcoholic :D i have pictures to prove, can supply for a small fee! ;)

12-09-2011, 08:25
Yep the m is going strong as well as the coupe ,just a bit quite on Rtoc these days

The new Bill J
12-09-2011, 15:52
He's as good as usual, as is the old Coupe. A few of us saw him last weekend, as sober as ever. Errrm :scared: :laugh:

jesus in the seat of a 5
12-09-2011, 18:32
The m..is currentlt pickiling himself in a large vat is his old mans new garage , he only attends alcohol provided avents and the coupe is sponserd by brothers pear "festival" cider...:laugh:

Kris M
12-09-2011, 19:03
Never fear i am alive and well !!! Membership expired at the end of Aug, and just havent got round to renewing...Ive just done it though so should be back online in a day or two :):)

12-09-2011, 23:07
Thank the holy one yOur still about mate! Was getting worried!!! How's tricks me old mucker?

Kris M
13-09-2011, 08:36
Dont worry Al, il always be around...im like a younger version of Mart ;)......yeah im good thanks, enjoying driving the coupe on the road :)

dangerous dave
13-09-2011, 16:39
Dont worry Al, il always be around...im like a younger version of Mart ;)......yeah im good thanks, enjoying driving the coupe on the road :)

we had best get you a jumper...:smokin:

13-09-2011, 22:08
we had best get you a jumper...:smokin:


i can sort that, just watch out at ND...:wasntme:

18-09-2011, 13:53
M - clear your in tray !!!

18-09-2011, 19:04
Dont worry Al, il always be around...im like a younger version of Mart ;)......yeah im good thanks, enjoying driving the coupe on the road :)
