View Full Version : Engine bay loom

25-08-2011, 19:50
The loom in my engine bay is pretty ropey and pissing me off. I see mike sells them on his site. Thinking about putting a new loom in myself.
Anyone done this? How hard is it to do?

Also I see that mike sells second hand ones at a fraction of the cost. Wondering if it is wise buying a 21 year old loom. Surely they are all checked beforehand??

TNT Tricky Nicky
25-08-2011, 20:39
not too bad a job really, can be a bit tight for space in places. if you're not feeling confident just label all the wires before you take it out, when it's out lay it next to the replacement and label that. as the haynes manual likes to say, re fitting is the reverse of removal, so basically start at the end and put it back until everything is re connected.

you may find that you may have had some wires removed from your original loom or extras the replacement hasn't if that's the case post up a picture and i'm sure we can guide you in the right direction.

as for getting a new or used, it's what you can afford and piece of mind, personally if i'd be swapping it out i'd go new

25-08-2011, 21:15
The only thing I may have trouble with is the routing around the various engine bay parts. I don't want to melt anything!

TNT Tricky Nicky
25-08-2011, 22:21
the trunking has clips on it to hold it in place, as long as they go back on and stay on you shouldn't have a problem. there's a sneaky earth on the bottom of the sump, this also helps keep everything in place. doesn't hurt to put a couple of zip ties just to make sure nothing moves.

25-08-2011, 22:38
I've done it, the hardest ones to reach are the looms that run down the chassis legs into the car, when you pull the old ones out pull some string through on the end! N

Engine bay one is v easy.

25-08-2011, 23:24
I just want to attempt the engine bay loom as the rest of the cars wiring is behaving correctly.

Where is the reverse light wiring connected? Only one I am not really sure about?

Also..those that have done this job, have you gone with a new or used loom?