View Full Version : Faith rewarded

07-08-2011, 09:39
500+ miles in two day's from weymouth to manchester and then back and the 5 never missed a beat!! :D

i had such faith in the old girl that i did'nt even take spares! :eek: no cable ties,no water,no oil,no alt belt etc etc not even tools!!! :D

she purred along the motorway lovely!

5's must be an even rarer site in manchester than most places?? as i had at least 20 people comment on her :D even got pulled over outside old trafford by the police! what did they want?? "is that a turbo mate!?!?!?" :laugh:

cost me £80 in fuel to get there and back! was expecting it to cost more to be honest! what mpg does that work out at? fuel was £1.40 a litre.

08-08-2011, 01:22
I know the feeling mate.. everytime i make the 130 mile round trip to Markeys I count my blessings! You feel so proud when you get home without an issue :) Haha about the old bill, they love it!