View Full Version : thinking of selling the 5

03-07-2011, 15:23
i know i said i wouldnt ever think of selling my gtt,but i am considering putting it up for sale:eek:
purely for the simple fact that the misses is wingeing(she wants something we can all go out in.me,her and the two kids)and to be fair she has a point.
if i was to advertise im not 100% sure on what to ask for the car?as it is a bit different to a normal gtt with it haveing a toyota gtt engine.but what i can say is,it is totally solid,no rot anywhere and the conversion has been done to a very high standard.also theres alot of parts that have barely done 1000 miles

so what do you think a fair asking price would be???

theres a thread in projects and restorations if you need to see how much time/effort has gone into it

03-07-2011, 15:38
£4000 maybe £5000 at a push I would say

03-07-2011, 17:02
dont do it m8:(

buy yourself a cheap people wagon for the missus and kids
once its gone you,ll regret it
looks like a lot of time and money have gone into your car