View Full Version : What is this? gearbox internals

24-06-2011, 20:55
what is this part? as it looks pretty battered and was loosein the shaft below



Might just replace 5th gear as a temp fix but don't want to mess about to find the box is damaged more than just a few teeth off 5th

24-06-2011, 21:28
never mind i found out what it was

5th gear oil feed tube off the end cover, looks like its been broken off for a while :rolleyes:

would explain the strange noise half way home from national day but was fine when going to french car show :confused: and the 5th gear crewing its teeth off and bits of needle roller everywhere :laugh:

and i also found this awesome link

réféction de boite JB => reportage INSIDE [TRANSMISSION] - Mécanique / Electronique Renault - FORUM Mécanique / Electronique - FORUM Pôle Technique (http://www.forum-auto.com/pole-technique/mecanique-electronique/sujet150265-35.htm)

shows the whole jb3 gearbox being stripped and rebuilt :cool: