View Full Version : braided brake lines

11-11-2008, 23:16
taking my drive shaft out and notice i hace the standard rubber brake lines, is it worth upgrading to the braided ones or is it a waste of money? i have drilled and dotted on front with standard calipers

12-11-2008, 00:05
I have steel braided lines too... you get a firmer pedal feel because the lines won't expand as much as rubber ones during hard braking...
You can feel the difference, but don't expect the world from them ;)

12-11-2008, 15:39
Mine are Goodridge... but didn't experience such a big difference as you did Ian :crap:

12-11-2008, 15:55
i have the HEL hose solution lines, but im yet to fit them. they look a good bit of kit though.

12-11-2008, 17:05
Do the OEM ones not have internal braiding then?

12-11-2008, 17:48
sh1t, youve got me worried now ian.:scared:

Hose Solutions
12-11-2008, 18:50
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

All brake lines use -3 braided teflon brake hose, ours (for HEL brake lines) and Goodridges are from the same factory ultimately.....all have the same bore...and we and Goodridge both offer lifetime warranties, I guess Earls should too but dont know for sure...

Matt Cole
12-11-2008, 22:04
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

All brake lines use -3 braided teflon brake hose, ours (for HEL brake lines) and Goodridges are from the same factory ultimately.....all have the same bore...and we and Goodridge both offer lifetime warranties, I guess Earls should too but dont know for sure...

Ok i dont doubt the quality, but i have the HEL ones yet to be fitted and i dont want to fek about fitting them if they dont flow enough fluid. Ben can you investigate and make comment on the fittings?? What size is the bore of the original hoses??

Ian can we do a quick calculation on what the differences would be between the two bore sizes allowing the same pressure and fluid density (whatever brake fluid is) for both types of hoses??

Hose Solutions
13-11-2008, 00:38
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Yes HEL have only been going 11 years in brakeline manufacture. They only outsell the mentioned company 3-1 in motorcycle brakelines worldwide, and now with our help are getting into the car market since early this year. So yes quite a few. And to question flow rates and bore sizes with the suggestion this hasnt been considered in the manufacture by the company making these lines is quite bizarre....are we really suggesting here that a company has made millions of fittings over the years without considering the bore size? How would it have passed all the neccessary worldwide brakeline testing certificates if there was any issue whatsover with the components used? (FMVSS, ADR, DOT, TUV, the list goes on....)

Perhaps if the unhappy buyer contacted the manufacturers of these fittings (HEL) prior to posting his opinions on the forums this would have been a more sensible approach.

Wonder why I ever bothered re-joining this club when nonsense like this is brought up.

Hose Solutions
13-11-2008, 01:17
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Ian I think any issues with the Cinq kit made should be forwarded directly to me, as you were well aware, this kit was a kit yet to be made for that model, and was made going off an unconfirmed specification coupled with your pictures emailed to us.

As for the fittings used and their quality I am not even going to get into a debate. The stringent brake line testing that goes on on a yearly basis qualifys the lines for all road use, motorcycle, automotive, and bicycle lines. Fittings used on both bikes and cars are fairly generic, the onyl fittings not used on bikes being the 'circlip' fittings where the fitting is held in place with the clip on certain cars like Toyota, Subaru, Ford etc cars.

Fittings like banjos, bolts, and any female fittings are used in both motorcycle and automotive kits. That goes for HEL and the 2 other companies mentioned.

Your entitled to your opinion, as are other specialists who you've sought opinion from, but the fact remains that HEL along with all the other manufacturers in the market make their lines to industry standards and if there was any issue whatsoever with a fairly minor machining alteration like the bore size of fittings, then it would have been corrected years ago. I will leave it at that, I dont feel you nor I am in a position to question or debate the engineering of such fittings without the knowledge and research these manufacturers have put into their products over the many years they've been involved in them.

13-11-2008, 17:26
damnnnnnn only wanted to know if i should fit some or not lol:)

13-11-2008, 18:39
damnnnnnn only wanted to know if i should fit some or not lol:)

Frankly I wouldn't bother unless you're using the car on a track. :)

13-11-2008, 20:19
:rolleyes: you started something there Richi :)

Matt Cole
13-11-2008, 21:08
Well, we still haven't got an answer on this, so i guess its a 'try and see what there like' scenario. :scared:

Hose Solutions
14-11-2008, 14:14
We have and thats that what was said was inaccurate and not well researched or investigated - if we're going to get really picky the hose tail on the other company mentioned above actually reduces through the fitting from the quoted 2.5 on the outer inwards to a smaller diameter at the other end anway so if we're saying there is an issue with one manufacturer, surely we should assess the pre-swaged fitting from all 3 before we start talking negatively of one inparticular.

If your in any doubt, ring the owner 01392811601 - Simon. Having told him about the issues raised he would quite happily discuss off the forum the answers you want, he cant believe some of the things that were said and that people genuinely believe .somethingmm at one section of a fitting under forced fluid pressure would make any difference whatsoever!

Well, we still haven't got an answer on this, so i guess its a 'try and see what there like' scenario. :scared:

14-11-2008, 15:02
no matt is right the question didnt really get answered, just a argument broke out through a clash of opinions,
all i wanted to no is are they worth the money and would i feel the benifts from buying some........
from reding the post i only really have two good replys, one saying there good but dont expect the world and another saying if not on the track dont bother.
thanks for the reply lads
so it seems that matt is right that it is a try and see thing, as some people experiance better gains than others. thanks:agree:

think i will buy some just not from hose solutions as these are clearly poor hoses

only joking :laugh:

Matt Cole
14-11-2008, 18:17
We have and thats that what was said was inaccurate and not well researched or investigated - if we're going to get really picky the hose tail on the other company mentioned above actually reduces through the fitting from the quoted 2.5 on the outer inwards to a smaller diameter at the other end anway so if we're saying there is an issue with one manufacturer, surely we should assess the pre-swaged fitting from all 3 before we start talking negatively of one inparticular.

If your in any doubt, ring the owner 01392811601 - Simon. Having told him about the issues raised he would quite happily discuss off the forum the answers you want, he cant believe some of the things that were said and that people genuinely believe .somethingmm at one section of a fitting under forced fluid pressure would make any difference whatsoever!

Ben, i dont genuinely believe anything said hence why i asked for you to investigate and make comment, and asked Ian to substantiate his comments/findings with a calculation to determine the possible negative effect of a reduced bore/diameter through the swaged fittings, compared to the o/e setup. Now i can't be arsed to do it but i will if i have to. I can make my own mind up on the quality so thats not in question as far as im concerned. Also im not concerned about any other of the manufacturer's product, i'm looking at the improvement or at least on par braking operation of the HEL hoses.:)

Ian S
15-11-2008, 21:23
I've removed all my posts from this thread as they weren't helping anyone and anyway the fittings I had were for a Fiat and the Renault fittings may be different.