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10-11-2008, 15:42
First post!

Hi all,

Any advice on the following appreciated....

My oil and water have mixed.... Well im assuming they have unless its really bad condensation, but the oil is toffee coloured. I have done a compression test , they are all exactly 10bar. I have also pressure tested the turbo and the radiator but I cant find a leak ( not an obvious one anyway).

Anyone wish to suggest where I should check next....



10-11-2008, 15:44
Sounds like a head gasket to me.Any other suggestions?

10-11-2008, 15:44
does it overheat?

10-11-2008, 15:46
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

No it doesnt overheat, nor does it pressurise the cooling system.


10-11-2008, 15:51
where did you see the toffee sh*t...expansion tank, inside the rocker etc...or is it everywhere. i would suggest head gasket too. firstly you could try flushing out the cooling system and re-filling (50% water, 50% antifreeze...probably worth doing that for the winter anyway..if it mixes again, head gasket mate:scared:

10-11-2008, 16:01
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

I only noticed it when i dipped the oil... and it was the wrong colour...doh.

I have since drained the oil, and its all toffee coloured.

The engine is actually out of the car at the moment, so I cant just simply drain it and see if it does it again.

Is the gasket likley to have blown between an oil and water galery?


10-11-2008, 16:18
If the engine is out of the car and your doubting the headgasket for the cost of what £30 then its got to be worth changing it anyway?

But I had oil and water mixing and that was because a gudgeon pin had gone awol and killed a liner :(

10-11-2008, 18:48
Also if you decide to do head gasket check head for cracks. Also liner base seals can course the mix. If water is just getting to oil make sure you check the head under heat for a crack. Also there is no oil pressure at a liner base seal to bare in mind. So whats mixing what is where id start...:)

11-11-2008, 09:20
If you're not losing any water, it won't be the gasket nor a cracked liner.

As has been said, suspect a failed liner seal, cracked head, radiator (unlikely), turbo (even more unlikely).

12-11-2008, 10:07
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

No it doesnt overheat, nor does it pressurise the cooling system.


When my head was cracked it would never over heat, didn't smoke or do anything unusual.

My water was black but my oil seemed fine.

i l k e r
12-11-2008, 10:18
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

just in case Mart's post go invisible :p I'd get the head pressure tested and change the liner seals while I'm at it just for a piece of mind

good luck :agree:

12-11-2008, 11:19
im pretty sure its been mentioned by a few folks that pressure testing the head wont nessesarily show up hairline cracks? ive heard people having problems with the tiny oil gallery on the head cracking on the inside and not showing up on pressure tests? but once the head has heated up the crack opens up and your back to square one.
im sure pressure tests are done with cold water pressurised in the head? i could be wrong though! but i have seen alot of places do it this way.

12-11-2008, 19:33
Yep normal testing is cold but i only found mine when hot tested. I had the head on and off a couple of times too like a numpty trying to find the fault.. :ashamed:

12-11-2008, 20:28
Yep normal testing is cold but i only found mine when hot tested. I had the head on and off a couple of times too like a numpty trying to find the fault.. :ashamed:

i didnt know you could get it hot pressure tested, would have thought this would be the standard in all pressure tests!:confused:

12-11-2008, 20:57
i didnt know you could get it hot pressure tested, would have thought this would be the standard in all pressure tests!:confused:

I do my testing at work, im unsure what other companys offer, but all our testing to find cracks is normaly just cold and if no show (which isnt very often on what we do) we then do a hot test.