View Full Version : etch primer or por15

06-05-2011, 21:47
just to make sure so i dont get it wrong which do i apply first once i have rubbed down to bare metal to remove rust, do i etch prime then por15 or other way first?? any one used either lately?? :confused:

06-05-2011, 22:02
metal ready first..

07-05-2011, 00:46
been a sprayer over 10 years and ive never heard of por15 until i googled it just now, but if the rust is completely gone (which it should be if you want a lasting repair) you should etch prime, then 2k prime, flat then paint.
personaly im not a fan of these rust stopper products, if its still there it will come back.

Upol acid 8 is as good as any for the diy'er.

07-05-2011, 09:35
exactly as kiwi said..

Ive done a lot of painting , however i have also used por 15 on rusty surfaces aswell as bare metal.

My verdict, por 15 - great product to use directly on a rusted surface... however

On a clean surface , no matter how much you degrase/clean / metal ready it, the por 15 just dosent do the job aswell as it does on clean.. so as kiwi said, just use a etch primer on it and paint, dont bother with por 15 as its not really needed.

07-05-2011, 20:30
agree with above but por 15 can save and make a car go on for longer for sure,for instance the hard to get to areas up round fuel tank an rear torsion bar,how many folk are going to totally get in there an rub it down etc..no chance,also to fabricate new sections it would have to be totally stripped,think the '15' can help,thats if it isnt to far gone.

08-05-2011, 13:26
:agree: valid point! i was just thinking of the outside visible painted panels.

08-05-2011, 18:40
cheers all, i have taken it back to bare good metal but it has gone a little thin an has a little bit of pitting still so was thinking of using por15 to stop it coming back through, do you think id be better off cutting the the thin pitted area away and putting a plate there instead??