View Full Version : Starter motor works from cold but not when warm

Chris Holt
06-05-2011, 00:11
Any idea what could be happening?

I have a tubular manifold fittend, it starts fine when cold but not when car has been warmed up.
I don't have the heat shield for the starter motor. No loose connections, white excite wire is fine...

Any advice or previous experience welding...

Chris Holt
06-05-2011, 00:27
Oh and it's a new starter motor

06-05-2011, 01:48
Heat soak of the starter motor causing the problem? I had this issue with an old RS Turbo I had, perhaps fitting some kind of heat shield will sort it.

06-05-2011, 07:40
Heat soak of the starter motor causing the problem? I had this issue with an old RS Turbo I had, perhaps fitting some kind of heat shield will sort it.
yes same here mate. with the 5s the starters right at the back very close to the turbo down pipe. so you think that when your driving around and more than likely you give it the beans the heat of the pipe will be very high. that will then affect the starer soulinord and stop it from turning over. take your down pipe off and rap it with heat rap. this will stop the problem.:agree:

Kris M
06-05-2011, 08:52
or, do as renault intended in the first place and fit the o.e starter heatshield.....also you say the starter is new? Is it a narrow body "uprated" one? Alot of people have found these not to cope with heat very well and fail quickly compared to the chunky standard ones.

06-05-2011, 12:19
Ill bet the exciter wire isnt delivering the goods, the resistance is high when the starter motor is hot! Im not sure if its the barrel that wears, or could be immobiliser if you have one fitted.

Anyway just fit a decent 40 amp 4 pin relay, appropriate wiring to supply a nice clean 12v from battery, use the existing exciter wire to trigger the relay, job done. I have fixed a fair few gtt's that have had this problem by doing this :)

Heres a link to an article about it. http://www.rtoc.org/boards/showthread.php?t=4724

Chris Holt
06-05-2011, 13:38
i thought it maybe that, by chance i had a spare bit of wire and tried going straight to the battery. it still just clicked.
have ordered a heat shield.

she started upfine this morning. fun and games.... lets see if the shield fixes it

31-08-2012, 00:29
http://www.rtoc.org/boards/showthread.php?t=4724 (http://www.rtoc.org/boards/showthread.php?t=4724)

FML that sounds long winded / difficult .

Can some one put how to fit the relay in easy terms.
or is it me being a retard.


Chris Holt
31-08-2012, 07:36
From memory the problem was fixed by getting rid of of the tubular manifold. It was overheating.

31-08-2012, 10:13
http://www.rtoc.org/boards/showthread.php?t=4724 (http://www.rtoc.org/boards/showthread.php?t=4724)

FML that sounds long winded / difficult .

Can some one put how to fit the relay in easy terms.
or is it me being a retard.


Run a new wire to the solenoid on the starter, use the thick white wire from before the connector of doom to trigger your relay, run a new +12v from batt and an earth, job done.

Providing your starter motor is fine this cures 99% of clicky gtt startermotors. The problem is the wiring/ign barrel get worn over time and the solenoid doesnt recieve a true 12v, alarms fitted break down over time too causing the same problem of low voltage.