View Full Version : Clutch fork

23-04-2011, 11:45
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Some of you will know who I am from this post
As I've asked on r5gtt.com

I fitted a new clutch cable from cgb fitted it all good and adjusted the rachet
But my clutch won't disengage
Also my fork is flopping around like it's fallen out of the bearing is it possible ?

23-04-2011, 19:08
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Bump anyone?

Adam 005
24-04-2011, 10:19
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Some of you will know who I am from this post
As I've asked on r5gtt.com

I fitted a new clutch cable from cgb fitted it all good and adjusted the rachet
But my clutch won't disengage
Also my fork is flopping around like it's fallen out of the bearing is it possible ?

not 100% sure to be fair but i would think the clutch frk would drop in to bellhousing if it came off release beaing.If there is a problem with the release bearing it's more likely to be the tabs that hold the fork on the bearing.you could try pulling the rubber cover off gear box (buy the fork) and having a look.:confused:

24-04-2011, 10:24
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

I've tryed looking in mate it's no good the forks falling around somthing has definatly happens to the bearing

Adam 005
24-04-2011, 10:30
gearbox out time:(you might be able to slide it back abit.i would drop subfrome bolts down on passenger side undo the subframe to body strap remove all bolts and see if you can slide under chassis rail and take a look:confused:

24-04-2011, 22:06
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Rite Adam mate I had the box off today looked at the bearing all looks well ..well what I could see couldn't get the box away anouth to look at the clutch but the teeth are still on the bearing how does the fork pivet ?

Adam 005
24-04-2011, 23:05
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

Rite Adam mate I had the box off today looked at the bearing all looks well ..well what I could see couldn't get the box away anouth to look at the clutch but the teeth are still on the bearing how does the fork pivet ?

the fork pivets on a nylon bush behind it.