View Full Version : Additional car security ideas

Chris Holt
20-04-2011, 07:41
I'm looking to beef up my car security.. Just in case...have the top of range Clifford alarm tilt sensors, window smash etc- snap off wheel, double locking nuts etc...
But want to see what others have done to improve.

Has anyone ever heard of putting any device or a lock on the bonnet catch in the car?
Any other thought apart from a garage, guard dogs, moats etc etc :)

20-04-2011, 08:06
Sounds like your wanting to brick around yours :p

r5 rich
20-04-2011, 08:19
My mate used a bike anchor which screwed to the floor and wrapped a heavy duty bike chain around his rear beam before and that was in his own garage. Only downside is that you could forget it is there and try to drive off or in the rain get verrrryyy wet if doing it outside.

Penfold aka The Dealer
20-04-2011, 08:26
I once saw a car that had a sticker on it "warning, do not steal this car, unless you have breakdown cover"

Made me chuckle.....

The problem with these cars, the open up easily ie: bend the top of the doors, open rear window easily etc....

Alarms are worth jack as 99% of people ignore them....
Car thieves will destroy your car if they cant take it (rip your seats, take ur stereo - if they cant get they will put a screw driver in it and smash it, paintwork will be keyed etc)

My advise keep the money you would spend on security, rent a garage, immobikise the car in ways that dont show (removal of fuel pump relay etc ;)

Locking wheels nuts are worth jack, if they cant get the wheel off they will damage them trying, and cut your tyres....

markey b
20-04-2011, 09:31
decent alarm and a billy bat :)

20-04-2011, 11:28
Alarms & immobilisers are, on the whole, a waste of time. If the feckwit wants your car that much, he'll break into your house, proceed to hold a knife to your wife/girlfriend/mum/pet rabbit, whilst you're sh1tting bricks & proceeding to hand over the keys & alarm fob.

Best way is to fudge the engine so that it cranks over, but doesn't fire up (removal of rotor arm (but refit the cap), disconnect the aei power or tdc connector, or a hidden 'kill switch' on the ignition barrel feed, etc).

Chances are that if (and it won't) the engine doesn't start, said feckwit won't try his luck re-entering your gaff again, and with all the noise of trying to get the car to start, he won't be hanging around for much afterwards.

If you want to take the aforementioned people/pets getting 'involved' out of the equation, leave the car keys somewhere obvious to spot/take.

Alternatively, catch the scroat in the act & treat him to some russian mouthwash...

20-04-2011, 11:59
used to work on a car years ago that had a valve connected in the brake line with a handle on it basicly you used to push the peddle to the floor and turn the handle, take the handle off and walk away. car would start but as soon as you tried to drive away with all the brakes on hard stall! and stall! and Stall!

only remember it cause i had to pick it up from his house to take it to my dads work shop and got so embarrassed that i couldent drive the car i refused to drive it for months

20-04-2011, 12:18
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

you could always install a fuel tap very cheap idea, might be abit annoying if its your everyday motor but an idea all the same, ive got one installed its abit annoying when you forget about it and try to start the car:dearme:

20-04-2011, 12:21
Decent alarm/immobiliser and your away (alarm as a warn off). Disk lock on steering wheel, i know that a big time car thief round here wouldnt bother if a car had one on 'too much hassle'.

I doubt anybody would go for the whole knife for keys job with a gt turbo mart, its only the kids who would want to nick one to joyride it. Granted if you have a lambo on the drive they will prob use force to get the keys....saying that they just drag them away on a low loader if they want it away!

Personally i just keep mine garaged & off the street ;)

20-04-2011, 12:22
I had my fuel pump on a switch which I hid under my seat. Taken it out since I had an alarm / immobiliser fitted though.

20-04-2011, 12:31

20-04-2011, 12:51
the relay next to the aei , in the scuttle tray, has a yellow wire loop tucked into the rubber sheath that houses the connect block into the relay. - cut the loop and extend the wires into the passenger cabin with a hidden switch. the car will not start without it. - also good for getting oil to the turbo before u start it....

20-04-2011, 13:27
Your all thinking too much and making it complicated, just a sit a f*cling huge angry looking dog in the back seat, doesn't matter if it's dead, the thief will see and think hell no I'm not waking that up

20-04-2011, 13:44
Your all thinking too much and making it complicated, just a sit a f*cling huge angry looking dog in the back seat, doesn't matter if it's dead, the thief will see and think hell no I'm not waking that up


Chris Holt
20-04-2011, 16:05
good suggestions! Maybe a stuffed one, won't smell as bad that way :)

Maybe I'll wire up an electric smoke grenade soon as engine is turned over it will set off(unless switched off) would scare the crap out of anyone..

20-04-2011, 16:27
Im sure toad used to do a smoke machine connected to an alarm in the 90's, stopped selling it as it was wrecking peoples interiors :laugh:

20-04-2011, 18:05
hasps and padlocks everywhere

Tony Walker
20-04-2011, 21:32
My clutch ratchet broke about 2 years ago. i have to set it each time i get in. if you dont know how to do it your going no where lol

20-04-2011, 23:03
leave one of these on the seat-


21-04-2011, 01:19
the relay next to the aei , in the scuttle tray, has a yellow wire loop tucked into the rubber sheath that houses the connect block into the relay. - cut the loop and extend the wires into the passenger cabin with a hidden switch. the car will not start without it. - also good for getting oil to the turbo before u start it....

:agree: this is exactly what I have done and trying to find the hidden switch on mine would be like looking for a needle in a hay stack :D

21-04-2011, 09:30
:agree: this is exactly what I have done and trying to find the hidden switch on mine would be like looking for a needle in a hay stack :D

No-one will need to go looking for the switch now that you've told everyone Phil. All they need to do is lift the bonnet and connect the wires at the relay. :rolleyes:

Is this thread in general chat? ;)

Nobody has mentioned my three-times tried and tested GTT immobiliser solution yet. Same result as Sparkie's suggestion. Brilliant for priming the oil circuit before starting the car every time. :agree:

Chris Holt
21-04-2011, 09:51
What's that?

21-04-2011, 15:18
What's that?

Potato up the exhaust.

21-04-2011, 15:49
Potato up the exhaust.

So once you've primed the oil circuit you have a baked potato to eat as well? winner

What you need Chris is one of these


21-04-2011, 19:14
That's it Tiff.

I love jammin' my spuds up the back end. Makes things much safer. :agree:

Chris Holt
21-04-2011, 19:33
So once you've primed the oil circuit you have a baked potato to eat as well? winner

What you need Chris is one of these


or maybe one of these.... as you walk up to the car.... bit of a bitch if you forget to disarm

21-04-2011, 19:33
That sounds so wrong trev :laugh:

Chris Holt
21-04-2011, 19:35
I've got it all wrong i need a trunk monkey


21-04-2011, 21:14
That sounds so wrong trev :laugh:

Lol. That's because it was meant to you banana :laugh:

I haven't really put a potato up my three GTTs exhausts over the years. I was being facetious in response to Chris's request to divulge my immobiliser secret. Then I followed up on Tiff's little joke with an innuendo that carried it on :wasntme:

It's not as funny when you have to explain in Jon ;)

21-04-2011, 21:41
Hows about a battery cut off switch? Getting one fitted in my 5.. Any a few quid off ebay aswel.. Also going to get a security post on my drive in front of my car

21-04-2011, 23:00
Pop the cover from the centre of the steering wheel.. undo the five allen key bolts.. take wheel in house.. takes 30 seconds and makes the car un-drivable.