View Full Version : Coolant problem!

28-03-2011, 21:38
Been a member for a few years now but more of a lurker :)

The problem with my car at the minute is the top hose is growing under pressure. The pipe get to a certain size and seems to stay there.

First thought was the gasket was on the way but this was only changed about 2000 miles ago due to a spark plug pulling the threads. I used new bolts when it was put together.

Been through most things used a new top hose, changed the themostat, put on a new water pump as the bearing was grumbly, swapped the rad for a known good one.

Also swapped the pressure cap on the header tank for a good one and made no difference pipe stayed the at the same swelled size.

The car drives well and it doesnt run any warmer than normal, it will tick over and the rad fan kicks in and out as expected!

Any ideas before i pull the head to swap the gasket??

Cheers Ron

michael tierney
28-03-2011, 21:58
pipe will grow and stiffen a bit due to pressurization and its length and age...if ur temp is staying mid way and ur bottle is not bubbling then it looks well enough!!

Duncan Grier
29-03-2011, 11:17
Only other thing could be air in the system, is the coolant expanding when hot in the header tank?


29-03-2011, 12:27
If its not chucking out coolant out the header tank dont worry too much :) Any pressure when the header tank cap is cracked off? (Be careful opening on a hot engine)

Keep an eye on it though if it gets any worse id be doing a sniff test on the coolant, i have done a couple of head gaskets in the past that have pressurised the coolant system badly with no other symptoms.

29-03-2011, 18:32
The system is well bled up so not worried there. There is more pressure in the bottle than normal and the water level is very low when at temp when the cap is released it will quickly come over the top!

Managed to pick up a sniff tester tonight. I have done both of the tests twice and the fluid doesnt change colour :scratch:

The pipe is definately alot bigger than it usually is! I think im just going to have to let the problem develop! As i say the car doesnt run any different to normal.

Cheers Ron

29-03-2011, 18:46
Does sound like slight headgasket leak mate:crap: ride it out a bit:agree:

Tim B
29-03-2011, 22:31
I had the same thing happening. Head gasket went in the end. :crap: