View Full Version : another carb jetting question. (i know it been covered before))

Chris Holt
01-03-2011, 22:54
To set the scene: So i have just finished rebuilding engine and it waiting to be put in put in next weekend.
engine spec: new standard liners, pistons, bearings, thrust washer etc etc head gasket, new high tensile bolts- the full works....
also has twin capacity i/c with oil cooler with sandwhich plate thermo switch
i have also wideband installed (not used to set up yet.- which i will be)

i'm sure its a standard size turbo, (i know should may more attention) i can never remember all i know has 360 thrust bearing.. etc

i have just checked the jets in the carb and they are as follows
main yet 130
air corrector .9
1st 1mm
2nd 1.2mm

My question : i realise every carb it set up differently dependent on the car, but does that combination sound about right..? if not what, in your (the discerning RTOC forum's) opinion, should it be?
What is your carb jets setup?

02-03-2011, 07:22
Are we talking of a tuners "group a" carb here? If memory serves me correctly that main sounds rather large. Can you measure the venturi?Try and find out more details about the turbo and also what boost or power level your after. You have something to monitor afrs so your on to a winner already. I don't mean to be rude in anyway but give the search function a go, should bring up all sorts of information on carb jetting the correct afrs etc.

Chris Holt
02-03-2011, 07:50
Venturi is standard size,
I will look again, there was so much info to go through- I was going for the easy option first.

02-03-2011, 08:56
My question : i realise every carb it set up differently dependent on the car, but does that combination sound about right..? if not what, in your (the discerning RTOC forum's) opinion, should it be?

For what boost level?

Standard c/r?

Chris Holt
02-03-2011, 11:40
Hi Mart; compression ratios are abit above my understanding if I'm honnest has a fairly new head with lots of skimming potential.
Turbo is a T25 with 360 bearing and larger compression Wheel/ housing... If that the right? sorry for misuse of any terminology I'm still learning.
If I'm right my turbo is good for 1.8 bar ? Pls correct if wrong
16-18 psi? If that's reasonable... Again bit of finger in wind here