View Full Version : external temp gauge

jesus in the seat of a 5
08-02-2011, 17:48
Right i have one in place on the boris daily driver...it starts temps from 25deg onwards..its an autogauge, well , just now it went from 81deg after the fan came in and went wild, ie up and down and now its stuck on 25deg...:laugh:, any suggestions as to why etc?.....:scratch: ta people, jeebus...:)

08-02-2011, 18:11
whats it measuing, air or water?
check the earths at the gauge and some of the autogauge sensors need to be earthed so check that too.

jesus in the seat of a 5
08-02-2011, 18:13
whats it measuing, air or water?
check the earths at the gauge and some of the autogauge sensors need to be earthed so check that too.

lol...sorry water...:laugh:

08-02-2011, 18:15
check the earth on the gauge then check the sensor. some have 1 wire and some have 2.

08-02-2011, 18:26
if its 1 wire it uses the earth body return system if its this try running a new wire from the - Batt to the metal part of the sensor to see if it kicks it into life

08-02-2011, 18:28

I think it comes from a small sensor on the underside of your rad top pipe (can you check where the sensor is on the coolant - this is from memory) it runs round the side of the bay past your catch tank and through the bulkhead, trace the wire and have a look if there is any damage, or check your earth to the gauge.

I am just looking at some hi res photos of the Boris' bay...;)

jesus in the seat of a 5
08-02-2011, 19:08
Cheers people, chances are , itll be when ive been messing around with the flimming rad fan switch etc as the fan started not coming in and i checked everything only to find today that the connectors were too big for the pins and theyve been falling out....doh...:laugh:,still ill check the simple things then ill check the more difficult things...:), let ya know how i get on...:D

jesus in the seat of a 5
09-02-2011, 18:53
All sorted now...well if ya trust a tree surgeon to rewire it {myself..:laugh:}...:D