View Full Version : Stalling and hestitation

c5 swh
02-11-2008, 00:00
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

The 5 as generated a problem over the last few days, When driving its very hestitant when on off the trottle. also when coming up to a junction the revs start to drop, goes lumpy then stalls, i can only stop this from happening by pulling the choke out a bit to lift revs.It does this even when fully warmed up.

Now the odd bit is some times its fine, idles fine and drives fine.

any ideas what the problem could be?

Thanks for the advice

dave j gtt
02-11-2008, 00:31
you have a dump valve , could be one prob !

have you had carb rebuilt of late ? its best to do faily regular rebuilds and cleans.

could have fuel pressure problem . could be dogdy wires or pump on its way.

best to write a good discription on your profile , so people can have a read and have an idea of what your engine looks like/ state of repair ;)

its late and i have had a fair few bulmers, and am google eyed *lol*

02-11-2008, 03:13
take the distributer cap off and give it a clean, also take the tdc lead off(gear box end) and give that a clean too)

mine had issues with cutting out and lumpy running, i did the above and it sorted it

Nick k
02-11-2008, 13:11
Sounds like Idle jet blocked. Brass screw on side of carb. Take out, clean and refit, Make sure seal is ok on it to.


Mixture adjustment screw loose/leaking air past. Blue tac my friend!!!:)

02-11-2008, 14:10
Sounds like Idle jet blocked. Brass screw on side of carb. Take out, clean and refit, Make sure seal is ok on it to.


Mixture adjustment screw loose/leaking air past. Blue tac my friend!!!:)


02-11-2008, 15:01
Renix/AEI or TDC?