View Full Version : New phone time, advice needed

09-01-2011, 21:48
right im still living in the days of the tac2 and sony mars bar lol.

im looking at getting a samsung nexus s (http://www.google.co.uk/nexus/#) but i lost when it comes to this MB usage:scratch:

could someone explain how much MB is used up while browsing the web? i mean things like checking email etc. im clueless:confused:

thing is if i get a 250MB or 500MB package i dont want to go over the limit and get charged extra.... . . Or does the web just stop working once the MB limit has been reached..?

09-01-2011, 22:02

the futures bright the futures rtoc!!!! :D

09-01-2011, 22:17
as for mobile datausage dude, im always on msn, browsing the net etc,. i struggle to use 50mb a week..

As for the phones, im loving my iphone, im a bit of a tech geek, but its so simple and fast.

09-01-2011, 22:21
anyone use viber on iphone free calls no sim card

10-01-2011, 07:40
I have viber on my phone, however i also have a sim..

I just use viber or skype when im in my house as signals poor due to location, savings me the bill plus gives me perfect signal through my router :)