View Full Version : headlights not working???

23-12-2010, 21:48
hi all,i just hit a pot hole on the way home and its taken my main beams out,side lights and full beam work but no main beam:confused:and when i turn it to main beam from side lights it makes the side lights dim but main beam wont come on:scratch:help please,selling car tomz and now this happens:mad:

23-12-2010, 21:56
hi all,i just hit a pot hole on the way home and its taken my main beams out,side lights and full beam work but no main beam:confused:and when i turn it to main beam from side lights it makes the side lights dim but main beam wont come on:scratch:help please,selling car tomz and now this happens:mad:

My old 5 used to do this fault, turned out to be the relay under the passenger side footwell was on it's way out, used to give it a whack and it would come back on:laugh:

23-12-2010, 22:05
cool,il check it tomz,could you tell me what one it is?

23-12-2010, 22:54
just checked the haynes manual to find where the relay is and it shows it but says not uk:scratch:

markey b
24-12-2010, 08:12
its a salmony pink relay on top of the fuse box :agree:

Big Steve - Raider
24-12-2010, 09:22
It's definately the "Salmony bad boy" as Krissy M & I Named it earlier this year when I was having issues.

You've got to get your head right up the bottom of the dashboard to see/feel it ;)