View Full Version : cam?

08-12-2010, 22:00
orite guys was wondering wot cam to upgrade to might as well do it since i have my engine out at the moment what is best on market just now :confused:

cheers :)

08-12-2010, 22:15
a little info to chew over-


08-12-2010, 22:26
cheers budy still not sure looks like a toss up between the 285 and the 270 am currently running a T25

also what other gear would i need so cam isnt realy lumpy pullys?:confused:

08-12-2010, 23:23
Whack a piper 285 in, work well in a road car and decent gains. You will need to change the valve springs and possibly fit a vernier pulley to dial it in properly.

As for 270 i wouldnt bother, might aswell keep std cam.

09-12-2010, 09:31
what turbo will you be running??

09-12-2010, 16:16
think it states he is or will be running t25 ? id say a 285 is your best bet :agree:

Markey Mark (BD)
09-12-2010, 16:31
think it states he is or will be running t25 ? id say a 285 is your best bet :agree:

But is it a full T25 or a T2/T25.

Depending what the exact spec is it will determine what cam would be best for it, if its a T2/T25 then i wouldn't go 285.

09-12-2010, 16:31
What's peoples opinions on the 270? Iv got one in my new lump I'm putting in, does it make any difference compared to running a standard one?

Markey Mark (BD)
09-12-2010, 16:36
What's peoples opinions on the 270? Iv got one in my new lump I'm putting in, does it make any difference compared to running a standard one?

I don't think there too bad if you have a suited turbo with one.

09-12-2010, 18:17
I think the standard cam is awesome.

How ever the piper 285 or catcam equivalent are definitely worth considering if you want to make decent gains at similar boost levels :D

09-12-2010, 19:09
its a straight T25 mate whare is the best place i could acquire a 285 and also verner pully wots the crack wi the valve springs ? :)

09-12-2010, 19:12
keep your eyes peeled on here and ebay mate i just got the full cam.springs and vernier 2nd hand for alot cheaper than you would think

09-12-2010, 20:15
285 piper all the way it works great with my t28 t3 turbo set up. :agree:

04-01-2011, 19:36
Whack a piper 285 in, work well in a road car and decent gains. You will need to change the valve springs and possibly fit a vernier pulley to dial it in properly.

As for 270 i wouldnt bother, might aswell keep std cam.

wots the crack wi the valve springs ?

Eugein Offord
04-01-2011, 21:24
Kent rt200.......... the botox..........:)

you will need new cam followers wih any new cam...:cry:

05-01-2011, 13:12
If your after a 285 piper Andyhot is selling one in the classifieds along with springs and vernia pulley.


05-01-2011, 17:23
Kent rt200.......... the botox..........:)

you will need new cam followers wih any new cam...:cry:

If the old ones are still in good nick they can be use with a new cam..... ;)

05-01-2011, 18:41
If the old ones are still in good nick they can be use with a new cam..... ;)

could this method be used with the c1j set up http://www.nuvision.ndo.co.uk/tappets.htm (last section)

as they both are doing pretty much the same thing :ashamed:

06-01-2011, 07:40
That relates to hydrolic tappets which the GTT doesn't have ;)

i l k e r
06-01-2011, 07:49
Kent rt200.......... the botox..........:)

yeah, true chainsaw style :agree:

06-01-2011, 09:08
That relates to hydrolic tappets which the GTT doesn't have ;)

i was refering to what they called linishing of the face of the tappet where the lobe comes into contact, as the cam lobes do the same thing on the c1j tappets :scratch:

just a thought :laugh:

06-01-2011, 10:01
I'm not convinced! I think if the tappets are worn out I'd tend to suggest it's time to buy new ones..... :)

Tony Walker
06-01-2011, 20:52
lol, i said the same thing alex, then deleted my post lol. Dont think worn tappets matter too much, so long as theres enough on them for adjustment and still locate in the pushrod nicely. worn followers is a different matter tho.