View Full Version : World Cup Draws

Big Steve - Raider
02-12-2010, 15:47
2018 - Russia
2022 - Quatar

Outsiders FTW?!

Not surprised that England didn't win especially when we're accusing the organisers of corruption and Russia's REALLY BIG on corruption...... :scared:

02-12-2010, 15:52
Where there's money, there's back-handers...

5teve L
02-12-2010, 15:55
Come on lads, at least we've got the money drain that is the olympics in 2012 :rolleyes::wasntme:

02-12-2010, 17:43
2 out of 22 votes :eek: No real mystery going on there then and Sepp Blatter reminding all the delagates of recent "media coverage" all a bunch of crooks.

bod 182
02-12-2010, 19:06
just pull out load of crap anyway bet they would have something to say if england pulled out.

02-12-2010, 19:19
Wonder why Putin couldn't be arsed to turn up then...??? 'Cos he knew it was in the bag....??

02-12-2010, 19:25
Wonder why Putin couldn't be arsed to turn up then...??? 'Cos he knew it was in the bag....??
;) without doubt, deals like this get done ages ago, the way of the world. :(

03-12-2010, 08:29
But to have a world cup held at Quatar is just a recipe for disaster guaranted trouble, you mite as well held it in Wales. Theres 50 degree heats which is gona be a strain on the players, women have to be coverd up, gay people is just a big no no its just going to be a big sham.


03-12-2010, 11:36
its just going to be a big sham.


Just like the WC we've just had. Worst WC ever, the football was awful. :dearme: