View Full Version : Its about time..

26-11-2010, 02:19
To invest in some 'winter' tyres for the AX i think !!


http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs563.ash2/148508_10150319576795523_511060522_16014702_506884 5_n.jpg

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1121.snc4/148334_10150320196200523_511060522_16023010_327051 8_n.jpg

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs574.ash2/149598_10150319577350523_511060522_16014709_303528 0_n.jpg

26-11-2010, 06:57
nice, gotta love r888's in the snow, how werethey?

I'm in the same situation at the mo, except i'm gunna take my car off the road for a few months

26-11-2010, 16:20
snow chains are the way forward...

Mr Raider
26-11-2010, 17:48
lol could be a use for huge ridiculous front bumpers as a snow plough! :wasntme: 5GT tucked up in the garage for few months ;)

27-11-2010, 13:31
snow tires over here are a must. my insurance even says they must be fitted over a certain period :(. 550 a set for the mondeo :cry: