View Full Version : Got a garage

20-11-2010, 22:13
Pretty chuffed managed to acquire a council garage this week, never had a garage before.
Want to store tyres, gearboxes and engines there as well as my gtt. Theres no electric as normal, bit worried about break ins etc, area is pretty nice, 2 roads away from my gran and grandads and about 2 miles away from my house. Wouldn't mind storing a few tools too, get a light in there and use it to fettle with the gtt a bit when its baltic and rainy outside. Any tips on security, what lights to hook up, and make it a bit cozier.


20-11-2010, 22:32
Snap I just got my first garage a few days ago same as you local council, about a 3 min walk from my house got GTT in it at the mo. Am a little worried about breakins and lack of power. Any idea's on security would be cool

20-11-2010, 22:39
Looked at those defenders for security James, but the problem is they make it look like the garage is worth breaking into. Thinking, wouldn't mind some sort of silent alarm that would page me when the door was opened, running off a car battery, maybe get a light and radio on the circuit too. Feck should i be so excited about a council garage :scratch::(

20-11-2010, 22:41
I have a garage much like yourselves i worry about security, my advice would be to always crank the wheels round to full lock to stop thieves pushign the car out.. also a chain hooking the front wheels up or similar.. basically just make it as awkward as possible for anybody to get the car out without making noise.. personally i wouldnt attempt to keep tools in there as i fear it would be more worthwhile robbing the tools then the r5.

20-11-2010, 22:47
just keep low key,dont be working on your car there for people to see,don't post pics etc on internet :homer: doooo!!!

20-11-2010, 22:48
So Damian, do you not store anything other than your 5 in your garage. I realy need to store some big bulky parts like engines and alloy wheels, 6 different sets as i fear my loft cant cope for much longer.

20-11-2010, 22:50
yeah but ive posted it in the members only section matey, and not given any sort of address :scratch:

20-11-2010, 22:55
true, true,but my garage is joint to my house where my dog sleeps,i'm not saying don't store anything there,i just ment cos your a bit worried were the garage is the wrong sort of people would eye your car up when your working on it then pay the garage a visit later on,happened to my mate same situation,just dont want you to loose yer car mate!

20-11-2010, 22:56
indeed, when i get my 5 out i make sure i do it quickly and with as little noise as possible.. i store an engine in there and a few little bits.. i try not to put to much in as previously said i always try to be quick about getting the car, so putting items up there on a regular basis is a little risky.. the other option is maybe to see what house over looks it.. knock on there door and leave them a number, maybe drop off a bottle of wine and just ask if they would call you if theres anythign dodgy

I guess the biggest problem is, if 2 guys turned up , and were pushing a 80s hot hatch out of a council garage.. who actually questions it. hence i say i just make it difficult, at least then it looks a bit dodgy if they are going in with bolt croppers etc.., also like i say full lock on the wheels. simply as it wont psuh out straight.

20-11-2010, 23:00

20-11-2010, 23:00
Yeah guys some good advice in there, knowing me ill get paranoid, pay rent on it and end up with it totally empty :wasntme:

20-11-2010, 23:03
i was the same dude.. I guess just make it difficult and use it mate :).. Just dont be getting to much attention.. ..

honestly chain around wheels. takes 2 mins to fit, but will make it much more difficult for anybody to get the car out.

20-11-2010, 23:10
bottle of wine is a good idea or better still pay a polish dude to sleep in yer garage!!! joking aside you got hold of a garage which is a bonus so use it, better than leaving car parked up outside in full view:agree:

devilish dave
20-11-2010, 23:13
heavy duty padlocks to the floor and paint walls white for extra light in winter :D

20-11-2010, 23:33
heavy duty padlocks to the floor and paint walls white for extra light in winter :D

alright gimpster,:) door is brand new and is not allowed any markings on it. :sad2:

21-11-2010, 00:01
Ive got a garage but my 5 doesn't actually go in it as its at my m8s farm for restoration. I do put my van in it though and so i fitted a wireless alarm from yale. 60quid on ebay , it comes with a door sensor and movement sensor, The main box is bright yellow with a blue light so it's nice and obvious. It's pretty loud too when it's activated( a few of the local scum have had a go over the years!) Well worth the money if you ask me.

21-11-2010, 10:00
ive had my council garage about 5 years now only a stone throw away from my house. as for extra security before you add more locks i would get permission from the council 1st. as for making it a bit more cosy i plan on painting the floor and having carpet on the walls so that i dont bash up my doors when i open them. for electric i use a volt convertor cant run big tools but its good enough for lights etc up to the wattage of the convertor.

21-11-2010, 14:11
garage door dead locks mate. not really noticeable at a glance easy to fit and stop the door being pulled open too easily. You could go with a bull bar but youll be the only one and stick out like a saw thumb.