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View Full Version : Is this wrong?...

08-11-2010, 18:22
Im currently selling some parts from breaking my GT Turbo and to be honest, i think at quite reasonable prices as we're all enthusiasts here and i think its a great club :agree:

However, having sold some items i am sure that the same person (will not mention names) has then gone on to list them on EBay with a jacked-up price

I could be wrong of course, but if not, don't you think thats a bit wrong/dis-heartening or is that common practice and thats just me in my thoughts :confused:

08-11-2010, 18:24
id say if your happy with the price you got for the items id let him/her get on with it, everyone to their own.

08-11-2010, 18:25
nope thats wrong.....name am shame......:D

08-11-2010, 18:27
its a bit shady i agree but once youve sold it its not your worry anymore

08-11-2010, 18:33
could always give first dibs to other members,then if nobody wants them offer them to the said individual , at a inflated price of course;):laugh:

08-11-2010, 18:33
id say if your happy with the price you got for the items id let him/her get on with it, everyone to their own.


08-11-2010, 18:51
I can see were your coming from, like people buying concert tickets only to self them on for extra cash. I think you have a right to be miffed, because after all the person who buys them to make a profit has undermined your entire intention to do good for the club and its members and sell items at a reasonable price.

As for naming and shaming?

The person who has done this has broken no club rules, so it would be wrong to slate someone for this.

However - morally - the person in question cant really have any and we are all subject to this and this dictates the 'nice guy comes last' ethic of the world.

To sum up:- Yes be pissed off - but do nothing about it.

Andrew Cooke
08-11-2010, 19:34
you win some, you lose some. You just have to trust that what goes around comes around.

08-11-2010, 19:40
I personally don't see a problem, If you gave the items to him out the goodness of your heart fair enough, i'd be a little pissed, but for the guy to pay for them and sell on at a profit, surely thats business of am I missing something. :)

08-11-2010, 19:42
I'm pretty sure we could all guess who the suspected member is ... but anyhow

it's easy to see why you're cheesed off as someone has basically done what you could of initially (ebay/inflated prices) rather than try and do a good deal for fellow members.

At least you got what you wanted for the bits and not left out of pocket (hopefully eh).

08-11-2010, 19:52
sounds harsh , but if you do sell any parts in the near future, put up the price or put them straight on the bay;) cuts out the middle man so to speak ;)and you get top ££ for your goods:agree: problem solved , charity starts at home;)

08-11-2010, 19:54
You have the right to refuse to sell them any more products and you could still sell those same products to somone else for the same price (or less) but if you get the price you want for them then theres no harm in it. However I see no problem if you want to mention the the name/username of the person in question as you are just stating a fact, then its up to us if we choose to ever do buissness with this person in the future. ;)

08-11-2010, 20:03
I'm guessing none of you guys work in the motor trade:laugh: Fcuk me they'd eat you up.:)

08-11-2010, 20:07
its a bit shady i agree but once youve sold it its not your worry anymore

if it was me selling something and then some1 else sold it on then i would be a bit cheesed off but aslong as i got what i wanted for it then so be it. to some thats how they make a bit of extra cash.

08-11-2010, 20:08
I'm guessing none of you guys work in the motor trade:laugh: Fcuk me they'd eat you up.:)

Why do you say this? just curious.

08-11-2010, 20:17
Because salesguys are the son of satan and would sell anything for a profit:laugh: nah its just I see it everyday but on a larger scale.

Edit- I just re-read what i put, i didn;t mean it to be patronising btw

08-11-2010, 20:27
Because salesguys are the son of satan and would sell anything for a profit:laugh: nah its just I see it everyday but on a larger scale.

Edit- I just re-read what i put, i didn;t mean it to be patronising btw

Dont worry mate i didnt get offended but i dont class car sales as the motor trade there just guys in suits selling a product to meet a target. i should know i used to do it :coffee:

08-11-2010, 20:39
I would class car sales/service as the motor trade, what ever you want to call it, I'm a paint sprayer so neither here no there. I know there on targets, but to get those targets they can be underhand, devious, the ones that arn't don't sell, thats what makes them good at what they do.:agree: Either way I'm baffling on now, I get on with them all by the way, its nothing personal. I was always taught there are no friends in business..

08-11-2010, 20:52
like wrightygtt says there are no friends in business so name and same the person involved;)

08-11-2010, 20:54

08-11-2010, 21:17
if it was me selling something and then some1 else sold it on then i would be a bit cheesed off but aslong as i got what i wanted for it then so be it. to some thats how they make a bit of extra cash.

indeed, i buy stuff off German ebay and sell it to people on uk ebay for a profit. not my job like but if theres a few quid in it for me then im all over it, :)

08-11-2010, 21:32
I'm guessing none of you guys work in the motor trade:laugh: Fcuk me they'd eat you up.:)

parts trade is exactly the same.
we pay 18% uplift over cost even as staff at a certain red/white/black liveried car parts supplier.

08-11-2010, 22:58
Fair enough business is business and it's how some people make a living but we're talking about RTOC and fellow members, an enthusiast club where members try to help each other out etc not get one over on them for a few quid.

I dare say if I or anyone started buying up parts in the classfieds only to put them back on days later with a jacked up price then no one would jump to my defence with 'it's just business', more like 'you cheeky barsteward'.

Tony Walker
08-11-2010, 23:09
It is unfortunately this sort of thing that spoils it for other people. I would be annoyed if id sold it cheap to help someone out, but if its just been bought and sold on then that wouldnt bother me, he's/she's taking the risk it might not sell i suppose.

09-11-2010, 01:17
I would class car sales/service as the motor trade, what ever you want to call it, I'm a paint sprayer so neither here no there. I know there on targets, but to get those targets they can be underhand, devious, the ones that arn't don't sell, thats what makes them good at what they do.:agree: Either way I'm baffling on now, I get on with them all by the way, its nothing personal. I was always taught there are no friends in business..

im a car salesman :laugh:

09-11-2010, 07:29

09-11-2010, 07:39
Fair enough business is business and it's how some people make a living but we're talking about RTOC and fellow members, an enthusiast club where members try to help each other out etc not get one over on them for a few quid.

I dare say if I or anyone started buying up parts in the classfieds only to put them back on days later with a jacked up price then no one would jump to my defence with 'it's just business', more like 'you cheeky barsteward'.

Thank god for that. I thought I was the only one that had an odd outlook on life that maybe being in a club was all about helping each other and not trying to take advantage of others to make a fast buck.

Well said Tiff-lee

phase i 16 v turbo
09-11-2010, 09:09
I have seen items I have sold re appear on ebay weeks later. I am not happy about it but as already said I sold them.

09-11-2010, 12:27
I`d like to know how they can make a profit selling stuff sold from here on ebay.

I find the stuff on ebay ALOT cheaper than what some people ask for in the classified section on here.

09-11-2010, 17:20
[/QUOTE]that maybe being in a club was all about helping each other and not trying to take advantage of others to make a fast buck.

Cheers for the replies, i can identify with all points of view made :agree:

I just thought i'd see what the general opinion was and some v good points made!

Penfold aka The Dealer
09-11-2010, 17:23
Anybody is welcome to buy my stuff and resell on... as long as i get my ££'s i dont care what people do with it...

HOWEVER if I sell a car or something of good value I always say a gentlemans agreement, if you want to sell I get first refusal etc, and I have always offered back cars to the preivous owner...

Tony Walker
09-11-2010, 19:10
Parts are one thing but if you were to sell your car to find it had been broken days later, i think that would be a different matter and i think i would be having strong words.

Penfold aka The Dealer
09-11-2010, 19:15
Parts are one thing but if you were to sell your car to find it had been broken days later, i think that would be a different matter and i think i would be having strong words.

Dont sell your car to Nayls then ;):smokin:

09-11-2010, 19:18
Once you've sold it ,you've sold it and that's that .
I wonder if all these high moral values apply to every transaction we make ...... I wish that house I sold was offered back to me at the price I sold :coffee:

28-11-2010, 15:36
if you have sold it . and you have received the money for it, then that item is no longer yours , the purchaser becomes the legal owner and can do as he pleases with it . i work in the building trade and have bought various items cheap to sell on to make a profit . ok they are not car parts . but it is the same thing . :coffee:

28-11-2010, 15:57
Dont sell your car to Nayls then ;):smokin:

or dont buy from jesus! ;) i did'nt even get 10 miles before it broke itself! :cry:;)

28-11-2010, 15:58
if you have sold it . and you have received the money for it, then that item is no longer yours , the purchaser becomes the legal owner and can do as he pleases with it . i work in the building trade and have bought various items cheap to sell on to make a profit . ok they are not car parts . but it is the same thing . :coffee:


28-11-2010, 18:06
[QUOTE=bones660;189447]if you have sold it . and you have received the money for it, then that item is no longer yours , the purchaser becomes the legal owner and can do as he pleases with it .

but if you think that person is going to take the p### out of you then you don't have to sell it to them.

we all know salesman will tell you anything to sell you something, like hears a bit of paper to prove it's a limited edition.:)

28-11-2010, 18:30
we all know salesman will tell you anything to sell you something, like hears a bit of paper to prove it's a limited edition.:)[/quote]

yeh but if your gullable to fall for it then more fool you, i still stand by what i said that if you get the price you wanted for it then you shouldnt be bothered, if it was any other way buisnesses wouldnt exist if they sold everything for what they bought it for.
part of life im affraid:brickwall:

29-11-2010, 00:11
i'm in total agreement with REGGY5GT if you get the price you asked for thats good and thay in turn can do what thay like with it (it's belongs to them) but it's up to you who you sell it to

01-12-2010, 22:39
im a car salesman :laugh:

giving away white VW Scirrocco's doesnt count as sales phil :D

just kidding, did you ever find the one that went walkies??

02-12-2010, 01:07
giving away white VW Scirrocco's doesnt count as sales phil :D

just kidding, did you ever find the one that went walkies??

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: no mate that is long gone and the annoying thing is i had to have a chat with a private investigator :wasntme: who kept me for 2 and a half hours and he wrote an 8 page statement of what happened the day it went he was ex plod and i could see him trying to fire questions at me like i was up for murder :coffee: