View Full Version : new curry house found in bracknell

05-11-2010, 01:09
as some of you know im no longer living in Hayes , but all is good as ive found a new curry house. the memories of the GRAPES live on
this one just seems perfick

cheack it out there is a big car park and a pub oposite . jobs a goodun innit ..sorted:):):)

17-04-2013, 18:45
ive booked the resterant for the 20th APRIL 2013 called ,THE SULTAN in great hollands table is booked for 8:00pm. thought this one would be best as it's easy to find and there is a big car park, also the is a pub oposite called THE WILLIAM TWIG for those that get there early
the address is: 7 Great Hollands Square Bracknell, Bracknell Forest RG12 8UX
all i need now is definate numbers of who is going so i can book the correct amount of seats .need to know by this friday if pos please