View Full Version : giving up smoking

31-10-2010, 20:47
im going to be giving up smoking soon. made a deal with my son that when im 30 i will stop smoking. i have been a heavy smoker for nearly 20 years now just wonder if any1 here has given up smoking if so what has worked for you

Tony Walker
31-10-2010, 20:55
Cant give any advice sorry, my dad allways promises he'll give up, i really wish he would. Not just because i work with him smoking everyday but i worry for his health.

Good luck and i hope you suceed(i can give a lil advice i think, if you do quit for like 6months+ dont think ill just have one itll be allright, cuz it usually wont be)

31-10-2010, 21:00
Good luck and i hope you suceed(i can give a lil advice i think, if you do quit for like 6months+ dont think ill just have one itll be allright, cuz it usually wont be)

thanks :agree: i am going to suceed and intend on never smoking again

devilish dave
31-10-2010, 21:00
I gave up 2years ago in january bud, i smoked for 12 years. I won't lie to you it was hard but i've done it and i have a house and wedding coming up to show for it. You have to decide yourself to do it, otherwise you'll lie to everyone and have a sneaky smoke all the time. Keep busy, learn to control your temper and make sure you have something to show for your hard work on giving up like a new toy, holiday or something else you appreciate
thats my little opinion anyway :)

31-10-2010, 21:07
I gave up 2years ago in january bud, i smoked for 12 years. I won't lie to you it was hard but i've done it and i have a house and wedding coming up to show for it. You have to decide yourself to do it, otherwise you'll lie to everyone and have a sneaky smoke all the time. Keep busy, learn to control your temper and make sure you have something to show for your hard work on giving up like a new toy, holiday or something else you appreciate
thats my little opinion anyway :)

1 of the reasons im doing is because i am a bit unhealthy and my 6 year old boy has been on to me for a while now to give up so i am going to do it. and hoping it will lead to all 3 of my children not to smoke when they are older.
how did you do it patches, gum :scratch:

31-10-2010, 21:08
giving up smoking is for quitters!!!!!....

31-10-2010, 21:13
giving up smoking is for quitters!!!!!....


31-10-2010, 21:13
i youst to smoke 25 a day and im only 21, i was diagnosed with pancreatitis due to what the doctor reckons to to much red bull, so went cold turkey off the fags, i can taste my food a lot better, run 5 times further and i have more colour in my skin, it doesnt bother me if people smoke around me and went from being a stressy 10 stone wheezer to a nearly 13 stone healthier person, all in the last 6 months.

devilish dave
31-10-2010, 21:14
depends how much you smoke. i was doing 20-30 a day of l+b
the patches give you a good buzz instead of them but if you give up cold turkey is the best way. keep in your mind everyday why your doing it

31-10-2010, 21:15
I gave up two years ago after smoking for about 17 years...I was lucky in the fact my body told me to (I had pleurisy) so after 3 weeks of not smoking I thought, hang on, If I can go 3 weeks why not keep going. Im now 2 years down the line and will never smoke again. My brother smokes as do other friends and even with them in the same room, I realise I wont smoke again.

Some advice if its any good...

Smoking is mostly down to boredom..A quick 5 minutes free and it can be classed as a 'fag break'..Bollox! Do something constructive...Buy yourself something to keep you busy...Strongbow usually helps! :D...Daytimes I just got on with it and in the end realised I didnt need a cigarette...I look at people now and think ' why are you even smoking'...Im just as calm as you and dont smoke, so dont tell me its because you are stressed! I actually found it to be a great way of talking to people. Friends would go out to smoke and Id stay and talk to people..And even feel better for not having the habit any more. It really does make you feel better! Not to mention how much more you appreciate fresh air and great food...Oh, and your teeth become white so Simon Cowell best move over!:D

Best of luck with it mate and I tell you from experience, you wont regret it one bit.

PS, try going out with your son for a walk or even a ride etc when you feel like a smoke...Soon you wont even think about it...

Good luck


31-10-2010, 21:17
i youst to smoke 25 a day and im only 21, i was diagnosed with pancreatitis due to what the doctor reckons to to much red bull, so went cold turkey off the fags, i can taste my food a lot better, run 5 times further and i have more colour in my skin, it doesnt bother me if people smoke around me and went from being a stressy 10 stone wheezer to a nearly 13 stone healthier person, all in the last 6 months.

:agree: I can totally agree/relate to that....Some of my old clothes are laughable!

The new Bill J
31-10-2010, 21:20
I haven't smoked for nearly 5 years now, after smoking 20-30 a day for 14 odd years.

I never planned it, or tried to give up, I just thought one day that I'd see how long I could go without smoking. Whenever I get a craving (I still do), I ask myself if I NEED a cigarette, or if I just WANT one, and what'll happen if I don't have one. If ever I really need one, I'll have one - Simple :D

I tried giving up a few times previous to that, with no success whatsoever. Patches, gum, etc can work psychologically for some. However, I used to work in one of GlaxoSmithkline's buildings. I remember one of the scientists telling me that they don't work on a medical level, and you're best off saving your money. Still, everybody's different :cool:

I think, for me, the whole 'not giving up' thing worked, because I put less pressure on myself to succeed. I hadn't told everyone that I was trying to give up, so didn't feel like I had to.

I just hope you find out what works for you. One thing's for sure - It's one of the best things I've ever done :agree:

31-10-2010, 21:22
I haven't smoked for nearly 5 years now, after smoking 20-30 a day for 14 odd years.

I never planned it, or tried to give up, I just thought one day that I'd see how long I could go without smoking. Whenever I get a craving (I still do), I ask myself if I NEED a cigarette, or if I just WANT one, and what'll happen if I don't have one. If ever I really need one, I'll have one - Simple :D

I tried giving up a few times previous to that, with no success whatsoever. Patches, gum, etc can work psychologically for some. However, I used to work in one of GlaxoSmithkline's buildings. I remember one of the scientists telling me that they don't work on a medical level, and you're best off saving your money. Still, everybody's different :cool:

I think, for me, the whole 'not giving up' thing worked, because I put less pressure on myself to succeed. I hadn't told everyone that I was trying to give up, so didn't feel like I had to.

I just hope you find out what works for you. One thing's for sure - It's one of the best things I've ever done :agree:

what!!!...better than sex?.....actually best time for a fag right after...:D:p

31-10-2010, 21:26
what!!!...better than sex?.....actually best time for a fag right after...:D:p

nothing is better than the sex i get :laugh: and yeap good time to have a fag.

devilish dave
31-10-2010, 21:27
i'm sorry lomo but i completely disagree, strongbow! that'll never work, now vodka has been very good to me!

when you give up make sure you give yourself a little treat though. 1 vodka a night or 2 if its been a busy night in the garage is good for me :D

The new Bill J
31-10-2010, 21:27
what!!!...better than sex?.....actually best time for a fag right after...:D:p

I think you'll find that I said: "one of the best things"! :cooter:

The only thing that disappointed me when I stopped, was that my sense of taste didn't change, like a lot of people bang on about. That was a bit of a let down, because I love my food (as anyone who knows me will tell you :D ).

31-10-2010, 21:32
nothing is better than the sex i get :laugh: and yeap good time to have a fag.

:D...but if you really wna give up just try quitting cold turkey,i did after trying the gum...got addicted to that....:laugh::wasntme:,but used to smoke malb reds...100's...but pretty much anything i could get my mitts on for a long time,will admit for still having the odd fag here an there but i find it easy to smoke just one an leave it at that really..

31-10-2010, 21:33
I haven't smoked for nearly 5 years now, after smoking 20-30 a day for 14 odd years.

I never planned it, or tried to give up, I just thought one day that I'd see how long I could go without smoking. Whenever I get a craving (I still do), I ask myself if I NEED a cigarette, or if I just WANT one, and what'll happen if I don't have one. If ever I really need one, I'll have one - Simple :D

I tried giving up a few times previous to that, with no success whatsoever. Patches, gum, etc can work psychologically for some. However, I used to work in one of GlaxoSmithkline's buildings. I remember one of the scientists telling me that they don't work on a medical level, and you're best off saving your money. Still, everybody's different :cool:

I think, for me, the whole 'not giving up' thing worked, because I put less pressure on myself to succeed. I hadn't told everyone that I was trying to give up, so didn't feel like I had to.

I just hope you find out what works for you. One thing's for sure - It's one of the best things I've ever done :agree:

i do have a fag when i havent got much to do or when i have got lots to do its been a way of life for me for some time. i tried my first fag at the age of 10 :sad2: and it grew on me as i got older. most of the time i do it for the sake of it.
i have been thinking about trying the inhaler just to keep the fingers busy and for the mind to think i got a fag in my mouth

31-10-2010, 21:37
Do it!! I have.......

31-10-2010, 21:38
:D...but if you really wna give up just try quitting cold turkey,i did after trying the gum...got addicted to that....:laugh::wasntme:,but used to smoke malb reds...100's...but pretty much anything i could get my mitts on for a long time,will admit for still having the odd fag here an there but i find it easy to smoke just one an leave it at that really..

well i got 24 days to find a way to do it. and i do not ever want to start smoking again. not only will it give me a better life but it will give my kids a better life too.

devilish dave
31-10-2010, 21:40
find something to pull apart that you can carry easily like a carb. pull it apart and put it back together over and over. keep your hands busy . hand to mouth addiction is the easiest thing to give up.
i bend over and tie my shoe laces without wheezing now even if i do weigh 14 stone i don't need them to survive anymore

31-10-2010, 21:45
if you look at it as say one packet a day over a year....think of the ££££'s you burning up...
give up an spend it on something more worthwhile hey.

31-10-2010, 21:52
if you look at it as say one packet a day over a year....think of the ££££'s you burning up...
give up an spend it on something more worthwhile hey.

at the mo im smoking the good old golden virgin and do caine it a fair bit could easliy do 30 + a day. even now i got 1 hanging out of my mouth :laugh: :sad2:

31-10-2010, 21:55
at the mo im smoking the good old golden virgin and do caine it a fair bit could easliy do 30 + a day. even now i got 1 hanging out of my mouth :laugh: :sad2:

:laugh:...well your just gna have to try...one day at a time..some folk are born to be smokers tho.....:p:wasntme:

31-10-2010, 21:58
:laugh:...well your just gna have to try...one day at a time..some folk are born to be smokers tho.....:p:wasntme:

im not going to try mate i am going to do it i am. :coffee: :smokin:

31-10-2010, 22:16
Do it!! I have.......

i will be. :)

31-10-2010, 22:22
Good on you mate:agree:
My old man smokes **** loads of roll ups, which is real worrying but if someone shows no sign of helping themselves, what can you do! it'd cause a row now so i just keep my mouth shut.

31-10-2010, 22:22
Nicotine patches are great. Stick one over each eye and you can't find your cigarettes

31-10-2010, 22:24
i tried several times with patches etc etc. failed and failed. then woke up one day and said enough and just went cold turkey and have not smoked for over 3 years, used to do 20-30 a day. if i smoked 5 or so i would have carried on but i used to abuse it. its the best thing i have ever done and feel much better with myself for quitting.

31-10-2010, 22:25
Nicotine patches are great. Stick one over each eye and you can't find your cigarettes


The new Bill J
31-10-2010, 22:35
Nicotine patches are great. Stick one over each eye and you can't find your cigarettes

The old ones are always the best :laugh: :p

Lee Evans, wasn't it? :D

31-10-2010, 22:45
The old ones are always the best :laugh: :p

Lee Evans, wasn't it? :D

not sure....

you know what mate you don't actually smoke. The cigarette does all the smoking, you are just the sucker!"

i like that one...:D

The new Bill J
31-10-2010, 22:47
you know what mate you don't actually smoke. The cigarette does all the smoking, you are just the sucker!"


31-10-2010, 23:03
i gave up in january after 16 years i was desperate to quit but i did enjoy it alot so that was my main problem but i had a big advantage in the fact that i was quit ill after new year with bad food poisning so for nearly 2 weeks i was living of fruit juice as the thought of food turned my stomach. never got hungry either :scratch: but when i had a fag it made me feel alot worse so i thought bugger it stop intill you feel better. havent had one since i still have the packet with a few left in it :wasntme:. i still miss it and still get cravings for them but i know if i touch one that will be it and i know inless i was ill again i would never quit.

do it though you will never look back but find something that replaces the fag like sweets or chewing gum. my auntie used a stress ball when ever she got the craving and it worked the patches do work aswell though.

good luck buddy you will need it.

from now on nobody can use this smiley :smokin: :wasntme:

The new Bill J
31-10-2010, 23:08
.....i still have the packet with a few left in it :wasntme:.

Oooh, so do I actually. It's been stashed away in a cupboard for 5 years. I wonder if they've gone stale :laugh:

31-10-2010, 23:09
Oooh, so do I actually. It's been stashed away in a cupboard for 5 years. I wonder if they've gone stale :laugh:

one thing i wont ever throw away.....my zippo!!!!!....:laugh:

The new Bill J
31-10-2010, 23:11
one thing i wont ever throw away.....my zippo!!!!!....:laugh:

Yep, I've still got both of my Zippo's as well :D

31-10-2010, 23:13
Yep, I've still got both of my Zippo's as well :D

do like the whiff of a match tho.....:wasntme:

01-11-2010, 08:00
Yep, I've still got both of my Zippo's as well :D

:laugh: me too.....:laugh:

01-11-2010, 12:53
NHS Quit line 0800 022 4332


It is the most powerful way of avoiding ill health in the future. Doctors are dangerous people and best avoided!

patches and tablets both work.

The patches come in 3 strengths put the strongest one on at night and when you wake up you are a non smoker.

The pills are called Champix or Varenicline you need to be on them for a week building up the dose before you stop smoking.

You should have access to a local quit team as well get in touch with them and use their services it all helps.

Good Luck :agree:

01-11-2010, 13:01
Yep, I've still got both of my Zippo's as well :D

i have a few zippos what my dad gave me one of them is quite old i will never get rid of my zippos well apart from the gold one no sentimental value and should be worth a few quid now.

01-11-2010, 13:23
NHS Quit line 0800 022 4332


It is the most powerful way of avoiding ill health in the future. Doctors are dangerous people and best avoided!

patches and tablets both work.

The patches come in 3 strengths put the strongest one on at night and when you wake up you are a non smoker.

The pills are called Champix or Varenicline you need to be on them for a week building up the dose before you stop smoking.

You should have access to a local quit team as well get in touch with them and use their services it all helps.

Good Luck :agree:

briiliant mate will have a look on that link :agree:

01-11-2010, 13:25
i have a few zippos what my dad gave me one of them is quite old i will never get rid of my zippos well apart from the gold one no sentimental value and should be worth a few quid now.

i dont plan on keeping any thing its all got to go

01-11-2010, 13:44
i dont plan on keeping any thing its all got to go

i never planned to quit either but when i got better i thought i wonder if i can go another week. and then never picked it up i do miss it soooooooooooo much espically when im out on the beer. and if ur around people smoking something ermmmmmmm else shall we say thats hard aswell because i know if i have that i will smoke full time again.

01-11-2010, 13:51
i never planned to quit either but when i got better i thought i wonder if i can go another week. and then never picked it up i do miss it soooooooooooo much espically when im out on the beer. and if ur around people smoking something ermmmmmmm else shall we say thats hard aswell because i know if i have that i will smoke full time again.

i must admit having a fag with a beer is a must have, but luckly i dont really drink. having kids around all the time and driving alot. my wife smokes aswell and she will be giving up when i do

01-11-2010, 13:53
i must admit having a fag with a beer is a must have, but luckly i dont really drink. having kids around all the time and driving alot. my wife smokes aswell and she will be giving up when i do

i said that but my misses quit about 2 years before me it is great to be able to go out and not worry about it. and the spare cash is great.

01-11-2010, 14:06
i said that but my misses quit about 2 years before me it is great to be able to go out and not worry about it. and the spare cash is great.

not sure what i could do with the spare cash maybe buy more gt turbo parts :laugh:

01-11-2010, 14:19
not sure what i could do with the spare cash maybe buy more gt turbo parts :laugh:

and sell them to me :wasntme:

01-11-2010, 14:36
I have sort of given up smoking, just stick to smoking the occasional jamaican woodbine. And did it without any of the patches etc.

01-11-2010, 15:01
:ashamed: wrong thread:laugh: Sorry

01-11-2010, 15:29
:ashamed: wrong thread:laugh: Sorry

:laugh::laugh: i thought you replied to the wrong thread :laugh:

01-11-2010, 15:58
:laugh::laugh: i thought you replied to the wrong thread :laugh:

i was having a :rob: moment:laugh:

01-11-2010, 17:56
i was having a :rob: moment:laugh:

admit it you were having a fag mate.....:D

did you know that cigarettes are the biggest cause of........STATISTICS!!!!!....:cooter:

01-11-2010, 22:07
admit it you were having a fag mate.....:D

did you know that cigarettes are the biggest cause of........STATISTICS!!!!!....:cooter:
