View Full Version : best ad?

Tony Walker
12-10-2010, 20:02

2 unclear pictures, 1 sentence £4000?

12-10-2010, 20:10
Got to love them :)

12-10-2010, 20:11
i saw that, thought it was well over priced :sad2: the only good thing is if you mad enough to buy it you get 8000 ebay points :yeah::laugh::laugh:

Tony Walker
12-10-2010, 20:13
Looks like its just had a paint job, always worries me, y spend so much to get it nice and shiny to sell it? whats it hiding? :(

Tony Walker
12-10-2010, 20:39
Looks like its just had a paint job, always worries me, y spend so much to get it nice and shiny to sell it? whats it hiding? :(

Tony Walker
12-10-2010, 20:58
Looks like its just had a paint job, always worries me, y spend so much to get it nice and shiny to sell it? whats it hiding? :(

Tony Walker
12-10-2010, 20:59
Stupid refresh button.

12-10-2010, 21:05
Note that the ad has been placed with a ****ePhone

12-10-2010, 21:05
Note that the ad has been placed with a ****ePhone

What?! That's just not fair.

13-10-2010, 13:26
I've seen quite a lot of ads placed with that iphone app.. I quite like it as some folk put things on ebay on a whim at really good prices and often mis-spell which is even better for the buyer looking for a bargain ;)

Just which there was one for the blackberry

13-10-2010, 13:37
when i saw the title of the topic I was hoping I could slip this in..

http://www.youtube.com/user/c7borg#p/f/5/Be-U86y1LMo (http://www.youtube.com/user/c7borg#p/f/5/Be-U86y1LMo)

As it really is the best ad :agree: