View Full Version : starting problem

02-10-2010, 13:14
hi came sto starting my gt after a month and its now sat outside, just got click click click, thought batt waflat so hooked jump leads up and still same, gave starter a tap and still no joy, then checked the plug under swirl pot, see if water had got in it, sprayed wd on it and still no joy,some one before me had put copper grease all over the connectors.(is this bad will it connect electricity through the different coloured wires). so anyway left it a god ten mins with jump leads on from my running van, came back to it and click click click then it started, leftt it running a good 15 mins with leads off van got engine warm, turned engine off and tried to start it again, got click click click again and after a few attempts would start to fire the engine but not start then click click then wud try and start and after a few times will start, so do you guys think this is the starter sticking or the wiring, or is there a starter relay somewhere that could be wet or faulty? thanks

02-10-2010, 13:41

02-10-2010, 13:42
oh and i wouldnt like to put money on the copper grease conducting.......put a continuity tester on some....

02-10-2010, 13:46
thanks mate for that thread will investigate and report back lol

02-10-2010, 14:00
just read that thread, going to order 2 of them 40a spno relays, just like to add the price on maplin has now changed from the £1.99 to £2.89 so going to try my local motor factors as wont have to pay postage :)

02-10-2010, 14:05
also is there any other way of connecting the wire to the relay as im not very good at fiddly wires with my big joiner hands lol any good types of connectors or a socket the relay can sit in? and connect the wires to the socket? thanks

02-10-2010, 17:39
http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dclinearactuators.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/spade-connectors-female.jpg&imgrefurl=http://mustangforums.com/forum/2005-2011-mustangs/268068-gt500-conversion-done-kr-hood-pg-11-how-to-and-parts-list-pg-14-a-47.html&usg=__WwbjxDdSmdlkTixy1x9foFMC1wo=&h=500&w=482&sz=11&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=lvPEZn9zfgJS5M:&tbnh=136&tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dspade%2Bconnectors%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den %26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D830%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=124&vpy=165&dur=607&hovh=229&hovw=220&tx=99&ty=99&ei=DGCnTLyjMJDrOez-3OgM&oei=DGCnTLyjMJDrOez-3OgM&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0

you will need a crimping tool too....cheap ones are only a couple of quid

02-10-2010, 17:40

or a pre wired one c/w base :)

03-10-2010, 12:41
thanks mate

08-10-2010, 23:43
hi came to the car gain today to try and sort ot the starting problem, havnt bought a 40 amp relay as yet, but decided to have a go at cleaning the relay and the plug below expansion tank. i take it the starting relay is the one behind the water expansion tank(passenger wing)? i took it out and cleaned the rusted connections with wet and dry and sprayed some wd40 on the connector and also sprayed some on the wire connector below the expansion tank, came to start car and started first time, then thought i would clean the other two relays whilst at it on the drivers side in front wing, everything fine, then came to start car again and click click click then it started, so decided to have another go at cleaning relay and wire connection at expansion tank. came back to starting and all i get now is click click click and it will not start what so ever, had to bump it off. when i listen to the clicking noise at first, for the first few clicks it sounds like the starter is trying to engage but then after the first flew clicks, the click becomes louder as though the starter isnt trying and its the relay, has anyone any ideas i would like to sort the car and get it starting before i change to the 40 amp relay so i know its running before i cut any wires, also the relay that is at the side of the expansion tank is 25 amp is this the right amp for the starter relay? appreciate any advice thanks

09-10-2010, 10:50
just had another go with car this morning and it tried to start but then click click again, the loud click is coming from the starter. could it be the starter brushes stuck, can you replace them, also the relay behind the headlight i thought was for the starter works the horn, is this the wrong relay? can some one tell me where the starter relay is(which wing) and what amp it is? as i have found 4 relays in engine bay and two are 25 amp and 2 30 amp. if the starter is clicking does it mean the relay is working? appreciate any help thanks

10-10-2010, 09:10
if u are getting clicking from starter i would say relay is ok.
try linking starter from battery to double check starter as could be solenoid sticking

devilish dave
10-10-2010, 09:25
i've had the clicking noise before right by the starter, turned out the exciter wire to the starter was earting out on the body and sounded like a relay till i got close.
ge it jacked up on axle stands and get someone to try starting it. easy enough to eliminate it :)

10-10-2010, 15:05
nice 1 will try both them thanks, which is the exciter wire? i saw in a thread scoff did to check the white wire from ignition to starter, but on my starter there only seems to be a blue thin wire, thanks

10-10-2010, 22:15
the thin wire with a connector on it will be the soleniod cable ? but shouldnt be blue check where the connection from white/cream cable connects to the blue one if you put a 12v from battery to where that blue connects to it will turn starter. you will know if its wiring or starter :)

11-10-2010, 07:58
thanks mate, i had the car re wired when i first got it as the wires on carb earthed out and knackerd loom, thats why it might be a different colour, will check that with wire to battery,

17-10-2010, 12:35
hi had another go with the car this morning and chased that solenoid wire back as mine was blue and found it had been soldered to the cream wire underneath the airbox, i took a battery live to that point and the starter clicked a few times and started up. so i then went back to turning the key and just click click click then started but no way as quick as straight from the battery to solenoid wire,but then after trying this a few times it would not start from the key just click click click thats it. so do you guys think this is the starter or a bad connection somewhere form ignition?? is there anything on the starter that can be replaced such as bushes or is it a new unit? have read somewhere that there is no starter relay is this correct?i priced a new starter up at local motor factors and there £60 is that reasonable?? thanks

18-10-2010, 17:46
had another go with it just now and didnt want to start by key or straight from battery just click click click for ages then all of a sudden went by key. anyone any ideas as im loosing my patience lol

18-10-2010, 19:24
had another go with it just now and didnt want to start by key or straight from battery just click click click for ages then all of a sudden went by key. anyone any ideas as im loosing my patience lol

mine has clicked for years . allways starts after a few clicks though , i was told the heat from the downpipe has fecked the starters internals as the heatshield is missing.

i would get a new starter and replace heatshield, see how it goes

18-10-2010, 23:02
ok mate thanks where can you buy the heat shields and how much are they?? i have a stainless downpipe do they get hotter than standard downpipes?i got told £60 for new starter at motor factors is that a reasonable price? thanks

21-10-2010, 09:16
anyone know? wheres best place to buy the shield and starter?are the uprated starters worth buying?thanks

21-10-2010, 10:00

heat shield £41 , you may get one off ebay 2nd hand cheaper they pop up now and then . Mike may also be able to get a starter motor :)

phase i 16 v turbo http://www.rtoc.org/boards/member.php?u=380 , this is Mike send him a pm with a list of what you need , he will more than likely be able to sort you out with what you need , failing that try ebay and cgb motorsort (expensive)

21-10-2010, 10:01
you may need some kind of braket for the heatshield im unsure how they fit on ?

25-10-2010, 18:00
can anyone tell me if there is or isnt a relay for the starter on a phase2 , heard they have and also heard they havnt so just wanna double check that before i buy a new starter. are the uprated starters worth buying? thanks