View Full Version : Steering Wheel Removal

19-09-2010, 14:13
Hey Guys,

Any advice on how to make removing the steering wheel easier?

Im replacing the heater matrix today and in the tutorial stuTHC wrote he says
to remove the steering wheel. Problem is, I can get the central nut to even shift.

Its on REALLY tight, any advice to make it easier or just some elbow grease?

Luke :)

19-09-2010, 14:18
I would have thought just needs some elbow grease. Dont forget to leave the nut on though before attempting to remove the wheel. :)

19-09-2010, 14:25
Ok mate, thanks for the reply :)

19-09-2010, 18:18
use a cross-bar wheel wrench....

19-09-2010, 19:54
dont rely on just the steering lock to hold the wheel tho.

19-09-2010, 20:02
Got it off guys, cheers for the reply's. :)

Car's, in a state though with all the wiring looms and crap all over the place in the interior. Had to take the seats out aswell as it was a right pain in the arse to keep getting in and out of em. Finishing it tomorrow now.

StuTHC wasnt kidding when he said it takes a while :-O.

Nightmare of a job.


jack joy
24-09-2010, 14:51
I always hate these interior jobs!I'm just entering the nightmare of removing the dash in my gts to try and find out where the water is comming in.Any tips on removing the steering wheel? the nut has loosened no probs,but wheel will not come off:( are there any trick to this.

24-09-2010, 15:06
I always hate these interior jobs!I'm just entering the nightmare of removing the dash in my gts to try and find out where the water is comming in.Any tips on removing the steering wheel? the nut has loosened no probs,but wheel will not come off:( are there any trick to this.

Good hard pull matey (but be careful you don't hit yourself with the steering wheel in fact it would be worth putting the nut back on loosely so you still have room to move the wheel and saving your face:laugh:), or a rubber mallett from behind sometimes works

24-09-2010, 15:06
I had to beat the hell out of it with a rubber mallet to get mine off.
(Im talking a right thrashing aswell).

Hit the steering wheel from underneath.

Luke :)

(Edit, put the bolt you have taken off back on (just 2 turns or something) whilst removing the steering wheel, stop any chance of the wheel flying off. ;)

jack joy
24-09-2010, 15:11
Cheers:),just off to give it a go! a steering wheel in the face would finnish the job of superbly!

jack joy
24-09-2010, 15:20
done it:D cheers for the spot on advice!!!!!!!

24-09-2010, 15:26
done it:D cheers for the spot on advice!!!!!!!

:agree: Good man and no report on any injuries:laugh:

jack joy
25-09-2010, 13:34
After all that,it was the choke cable rubber gromit that had popped out,letting the water in,so a very easy fix:D