View Full Version : trackday tyre sizes

04-09-2010, 23:12
what is the best size tyre to use on a purely trackday car?
also whats peoples personal experiences of best type of tyre to buy,toyo, yoko,avon?

04-09-2010, 23:17
depends on the weather and the rim size

04-09-2010, 23:35
std rims most likely, if i can find a set of steel rims the same size i will change em but dont know if there are ones out there?
also would need a set of drys (slicks?) and wets

04-09-2010, 23:37
are you talking pure track tyres, slicks or 888 style?
16/53-13 for slicks. under £50 for a set of 4, wets will come in alot higher than that and are rarer.

04-09-2010, 23:48
are you talking pure track tyres, slicks or 888 style?
16/53-13 for slicks. under £50 for a set of 4, wets will come in alot higher than that and are rarer.

pure track tyres, not going on the road and if it did i have a set of road tyres,

slick are going to be the best bet arent they? obviously not in the wet but i can source a set of decent 888 for the slippery days. would that be the way to go do you think?