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View Full Version : Silver 5 on Ebay

12-08-2010, 21:55
Hi guys just thought i would pick your brains,


I won this item on ebay the other night and the chap has not contacted me about collecting just wondered if any one knows this car or better still anyone who know the chap who has sold it?? also what do you think? any one want the 1.4 tse?????

Many thanks


Big Steve - Raider
13-08-2010, 09:30
Nice car you've won their mate!!

Make sure you get hold of this guy or ebay if he won't get in touch?

13-08-2010, 09:45
Cheers Steve,

I am gutted that the guy has just gone dead nothing before the sale i asked for somepictures he replied within the hour not after winning this Tuesday night we have heard nothing! Strange indeed not alot i can do though i suppose!:confused:

13-08-2010, 10:39
Hold tight he has emailed me back result i will post som e pics on once i get it !!!!!