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View Full Version : old nationals day stickers

10-08-2010, 21:34
Just wondering if there are any old nats day stickers kicking about, ive attend the last 2 nationals day and would really like the stickers if possible.

The new Bill J
10-08-2010, 21:38
Just wondering if there are any old nats day stickers kicking about, ive attend the last 2 nationals day and would really like the stickers if possible.

I've held out for a long time, but I can't quite last until the weekend. Please forgive me!

It's the National Day :mad:

I bet you call Tesco, Tescos as well, don't you? :brickwall:

There, I've said it. Ahhhhh, I feel so much better now :laugh:


10-08-2010, 21:42
I've still got some from the 09 Nationalssssssesesese kicking about :cooter:
I'll throw them in the boot or bonnet

James_Surridge G1 5 GTT
10-08-2010, 21:56
Think I have some Dame:agree:

10-08-2010, 22:08
I still have the original flyer! :).. Just something to remember the birth by...

11-08-2010, 18:12
I think i still have an ND08 sticker in the glovebox you can have

12-08-2010, 23:45
I have about 100 nd 08 tickets as i got way to many made, i found them today so if anyone want extra 2008 to 2010 then just ask at the shop:)

17-08-2010, 22:52
yeah i have a nice collection of stickers+flyers......going back to lomos baby at croft....if anyone wants me to scan them up then no problem you just need to beg................:laugh::worship:

18-08-2010, 07:41
sweet, james sorted me out with the 08 one, forgot to grab you clee to get hold of a 09.