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View Full Version : c1j head...

Bass J
03-08-2010, 00:15
I was tryna fit some spark plugs ..and yeah it seems ive fooked the thread in the head. Is there any way i can sort it ..or am i better to get a new/replacement head for it?

if any has any good condition heads lying about please let me know your price plus postage :smokin:

Cheers :cool:

r5 rich
03-08-2010, 07:29
get a heli coil kit for it mate. will be alot cheaper in the long wrong I think:)

Bass J
03-08-2010, 17:47
Aye was just speaking to markey mark on msn ..he recons the same rich ..now to find a the tool :laugh:

03-08-2010, 19:45
a mate of mine had this problem. i used one of these


worked a treat for me.:)

04-08-2010, 09:13

even cheaper :)

Matt Cole
04-08-2010, 13:09
Yip, use a thread chaser firstly. Heli coil as a last resort but to do it correctly head would be better off.:scared:

Bass J
04-08-2010, 18:07
cheers lads ..i think ill use a thread chaser first ...thanks for the advice ..i ideally want to avoid having to take the head off it :laugh: as theres soo much to take off ..and with me having a hernia now ..its the last thing i need/want to do :laugh:

Tony Walker
04-08-2010, 22:02
If your gonna try anything like that make sure you can blast any swarf out of the cylinder once your done, or even a hoover.

04-08-2010, 23:11
I've got a spare head with same problem, found a local guy who does helicoiling for a living. I'll see what he charges

Bass J
04-08-2010, 23:15
ive went and baught the thing in the first ebay link for tap'n the thread ..gunna try that first ..if not ..heli-coil FTW :)

Cheers folks :D

11-08-2010, 18:04
New poster! (less than 10 posts)

as long as bob leaves the keys i will get to sorting it :)
my old boss at the garage knows how to use the heli coil thingy loll

Bass J
11-08-2010, 18:09
I shall leave u the keys to it for the weekend ..ill drop em off at some point ..need to order spark plugs still :laugh:.

Cheers reco :D