View Full Version : Dipped Beam Headlight Problems

Big Steve - Raider
22-07-2010, 21:28
Hi All,

I'm having some issues with my headlights which is causing me much of this :scratch:

When I turn the switch on the indicator the sidelights come on ok but then when I turn the indicator a second time the dipped beam headlights don't come on??? :confused:

If I pull the lever towards me the main beam comes on OK but then when I pull the lever again the lights should go back to dipped beam but they don't :cry::cry:

I thought it was an issue with a relay somewhere under the dash as when I would give the bottom of the dash near the fusebox a tap the lights would come back on however that's stopped working now??

I'm now starting the job of whipping the dashboard out to have a look behind but wonder if any of you wonderful people have any further ideas??

Steve :niceone:

22-07-2010, 21:41
Just a guess, could be the dim-dip resistor located in the drivers side scuttle area.

Tony Walker
22-07-2010, 21:47
was just gonna say that^^^^

Big Steve - Raider
22-07-2010, 21:56
Can i just connect the two wires together that go through the dip/dim resistor or will that blow the F--K out of everything?! :scared:

Tony Walker
22-07-2010, 21:59
If you have a multimeter you should get continuity through the resistor but im not sure of its resistance. i wouldnt connect them together its a large heatsink resistor for a reason.

Big Steve - Raider
22-07-2010, 22:18
If you have a multimeter you should get continuity through the resistor but im not sure of its resistance. i wouldnt connect them together its a large heatsink resistor for a reason.

Ah HA!! We might be onto something?! :yeah:

I've just nipped outside & measured the resistor & I can't get any Ohms reading out of it?!

Can someone just either try theirs & see if they can get some resistance or unplug it from the loom & see if your headlights go off??? (Theirs a little plug you can disconnect)

Kris M
22-07-2010, 23:18
Steve, i replaced the scuttle panel wireing loom on my "coupe" with one from a road GT turbo, the cup car hasnt got a dip dim resistor so i didnt connect the plug to anything....The headlights work fine in my situation :)

Big Steve - Raider
23-08-2010, 21:14
Got to the bottom of this, last weekend with Krissy M! http://www.durbnpoisn.com/images/faces/Wheew.gif

Turns out their is a Salmon Coloured relay under the dash above the fusebox that was knackered in some way as when I replaced it with an alternative everything worked tickety boo!! :yeah: :niceone:

Kris M
23-08-2010, 23:32
the samon`y coloured bad boy was the problem all along !!! :D